Man, you really, really got to love that miscreant. He is the best thing to happen to the Democratic party, since Nixon.
There's so much here to discuss:
1 - 39% of repubs identify with the racism and bigotry that is Trump..they go nuts in the audience did you catch that comment about reporters and 'not killing them?'.
2 - Hillary does not play by the rules even during bathroom break..this was the 2nd time she took extended break during live debate..maybe she has a colostomy bag? What disturbs me is even at the lowest level she has to be special because she's a women..she cited last debate she has a few more moves to make in the bathroom..weak..if you want to run with the dogs you gotta get off the porch. To her supporters: if she makes excuses now..what will happen in the future? Bad sign. If her past performance doesn't convince you, this should.
3 - Schlonged
4 - This is the warmest Christmas on record was 90 here in Sofla yesterday.
5 - Schlonged v. Shellacking