Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
I think those bankruptcies only protect him and fuck his investors.
I am of the view that bankruptcies hurting big money investors is just robbin hooding the system. Trickle down economics doesn't work so why is it wrong to use the system they put in place that they themselves use.


King Tut
I don't really support the ideas trump has like building a wall or shipping all the immigrants home but I also don't agree with most of the other shit being thrown about either. A lot of people say Rand Paul is a racist or whatever but I have only seen him on stage so far (havent looked any of the candidates up). This is all a dog and pony show. I honestly feel like people making a huge deal of trump on either side of the fence are too far in the box to realize the show.
I don't support Rand but I agree on Trump.

Worst part, imo, is that the majority of the population is stuck in one of those two boxes.

Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
I don't support Rand but I agree on Trump.

Worst part, imo, is that the majority of the population is stuck in one of those two boxes.
I don't support any of the candidates I just brought of rand out of nowhere because he was the last speaker I heard talking before I turned it off. There are some points from each candidate I can agree on but if I was to seriously vote for one of these people I would be compromising more of my own morals and values than I care to.

Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
He may be a joke to most of us including my local Republican friends...but I wouldn't underestimate him.

People I considered jokes won before...
Well Hillary and Trump are descendents of royalty, check the rest of the candidates and if none of them pan out then you can bet your ass its one of those two winning.


King Tut
He may be a joke to most of us including my local Republican friends...but I wouldn't underestimate him.

People I considered jokes won before...
True. Reagan began as a joke.

Don't figure Trump would be much worse than what we've had for decades now, but I have been known to be wrong on occasion.

Just ask my wife.


King Tut
I don't support any of the candidates I just brought of rand out of nowhere because he was the last speaker I heard talking before I turned it off. There are some points from each candidate I can agree on but if I was to seriously vote for one of these people I would be compromising more of my own morals and values than I care to.
Kinda stuck there too right now.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
After Hilary came back from her break she talked louder and more assertive.
I'm wondering if she got some advice from her team.

Then again, it could have just been a sticky loaf.


Well-Known Member
Cruz seems to be a possibility, unfortunately. Bush has his name. Beyond that, nah.

I say the same about the Dems though too. Hillary is damaged goods and Sanders is the Democratic joke.
Cruz? You must think it is acceptable for politicians to guide public policy through religious doctrine?


Well-Known Member
I don't support any of the candidates I just brought of rand out of nowhere because he was the last speaker I heard talking before I turned it off. There are some points from each candidate I can agree on but if I was to seriously vote for one of these people I would be compromising more of my own morals and values than I care to.
Then they have won. You've disenfranchised yourself and thus have given up having any say in our political, social and economic situation.

What message do you suppose THAT sends? o_O
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King Tut
Then they have won. You've disenfranchised yourself and thus have given up having any say in our political, social and economic situation.

What message do you suppose THAT sends? o_O
That he will not give up his morals to participate in a two bit pony show?


Well-Known Member
Cruz seems to be a possibility, unfortunately. Bush has his name. Beyond that, nah.

I say the same about the Dems though too. Hillary is damaged goods and Sanders is the Democratic joke.
Mr Sanders is the Democratic 'joke' the DNC is so terrified of they manufactured a scandal to try to withhold the DNC database and discredit the campaign. It did not work, but it's clear that Democrats are behaving like anything but.


King Tut
Mr Sanders is the Democratic 'joke' the DNC is so terrified of they manufactured a scandal to try to withhold the DNC database and discredit the campaign. It did not work, but it's clear that Democrats are behaving like anything but.
Yeah, the Republicans did that to Ron Paul a few times.