Forbes; Booming Pot Industry Is Draining the U.S. Energy Supply

Should something be done to encourage the marijuana industry to be more energy efficient?

  • Yes, tax excessive power use

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Yes, subsidize the purchase of efficient equipment

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • No, there's enough industry regulation already!

    Votes: 28 50.0%

  • Total voters
12200000 watts x 24/7 / 11.05hr = $970632 a month. Thats a FUCK LOAD of power. Lets give them lights 1/3 of total draw. Approx 4 million watts a month lights alone, what is that like a 4000 count of 1000w lights? 8000-16000 plants!?
put each 1000W bulb over a 16 ft^2 area and you have 64million ft^2 of lit space......thats 2.3 square miles....
Damn! You'd have to drive from the veg side to the flower side. I couldn't imagine a pest outbreak, that shit will spread like ebola.
heh, ive got a math error in there.......still a lot of space...i never could do math in my head LOL
Broken clock is right twice a day.

I was raised by hard core right wingers. I hold some of their beliefs and some from the left.

I think I would label myself an independent.

I think both sides hold valuable points. I also think both sides are heavily corrupt.

AGREED, on all counts!
steel mills,car production facilities glass production facilities all use as as much power. These fuckwads just want to get more of the cannabis money. One of my BIG points why not to commercialize cannabis.Big corporations trying to swing us by the dick.

Those facilities use fossil fuels more then electricity.

That's why we need to fight for OUR right to grow!

One great way to head off this criticism is to be the leader in efficiency.
This is the same shit they played on the family farmer. Subsidies so they can't compete. Bullshit. My family lost everything from this kind of crap.Get the government out stop the big corps from getting hold of another way of life for the little guy.Big biz has been the downfall of our nation. This is the truth of the matter. THEY..the powers that be,want your sweat equity for free. Legalese,no subsidies,let the little man thrive.

Agreed on all counts!

Bernie Sanders in '16!
ya cause a bunch of fucking factories running 24/7 365 isnt draining anything right?

but fuck those pot growers.
Really? you want to make that comparison?
Industry that provides revenue to the country and supports it infrastructure, is forced to comply with environmental standards and provide untold numbers of jobs to working families is more detrimental than...

a bunch of 16-55 year old kids that have destroyed northern California with garbage and eutrofied water systems and continue to abuse horrible pesticides all in the pursuit of a recreational drug for personal use, no regulation, wasteful, immature "pot"growers.

I have witnessed first hand the calloused disregard for others, theft of electricity, destruction of property ("modifications" to rented grow houses", illegal pesticide use on "organic" plants, dumping of hundreds of plastic bags and nute bottles and soooo many other terrible things growers do on a daily basis.... growers should not be allowed to do "whatever they want" we obviously NEED regulation because we clearly cant handle ourselves.
Really? you want to make that comparison?
Industry that provides revenue to the country and supports it infrastructure, is forced to comply with environmental standards and provide untold numbers of jobs to working families is more detrimental than...

a bunch of 16-55 year old kids that have destroyed northern California with garbage and eutrofied water systems and continue to abuse horrible pesticides all in the pursuit of a recreational drug for personal use, no regulation, wasteful, immature "pot"growers.

I have witnessed first hand the calloused disregard for others, theft of electricity, destruction of property ("modifications" to rented grow houses", illegal pesticide use on "organic" plants, dumping of hundreds of plastic bags and nute bottles and soooo many other terrible things growers do on a daily basis.... growers should not be allowed to do "whatever they want" we obviously NEED regulation because we clearly cant handle ourselves.
Same old shit. You must have your dog on a leash because your neighbor is an asshole and lets his attack little kids. There are already laws against that shit brother. They need to enforce what is already there before blaming me and responsible growers. More Nazi like legislation just takes out the little guy who follows the l
aws of God and man.
ya cause a bunch of fucking factories running 24/7 365 isnt draining anything right?

but fuck those pot growers.

You mean countless factories in China right?.....Lol.....Don't know many that run non stop here? other than Philip Morris and the like.

Plenty of nuclear plants in PA so no worries!sarc......never forget my first time hearing the alarm towers going off for the monthly test @ limerick working on the fields straight out of college......thought we were getting invaded!(didn't know about the powerplant nearby) and ran like a bitch back to the main shed== towers for miles, scary shit IMO.

Really? you want to make that comparison?
Industry that provides revenue to the country and supports it infrastructure, is forced to comply with environmental standards and provide untold numbers of jobs to working families is more detrimental than...

a bunch of 16-55 year old kids that have destroyed northern California with garbage and eutrofied water systems and continue to abuse horrible pesticides all in the pursuit of a recreational drug for personal use, no regulation, wasteful, immature "pot"growers.

I have witnessed first hand the calloused disregard for others, theft of electricity, destruction of property ("modifications" to rented grow houses", illegal pesticide use on "organic" plants, dumping of hundreds of plastic bags and nute bottles and soooo many other terrible things growers do on a daily basis.... growers should not be allowed to do "whatever they want" we obviously NEED regulation because we clearly cant handle ourselves.

Bad apples in every business.....nothing many super fund sites does Monsanto/ round up still have to clean up? Idk , on the phone atm
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Same old shit. You must have your dog on a leash because your neighbor is an asshole and lets his attack little kids. There are already laws against that shit brother. They need to enforce what is already there before blaming me and responsible growers. More Nazi like legislation just takes out the little guy who follows the l
aws of God and man.
They need to just legalize outdoor grows and quit fuckin around, stop makin it so hard for the do gooders to do right. thatll cut down on the electricity use BIG time, I know I wouldnt use indoor lighting if it wasnt 100% necessary for a year round harvest.
They need to just legalize outdoor grows and quit fuckin around, stop makin it so hard for the do gooders to do right. thatll cut down on the electricity use BIG time, I know I wouldnt use indoor lighting if it wasnt 100% necessary for a year round harvest.
Yea but what if your addicted to indoor gardening? Then what the fuck am i supposed to do?
You mean countless factories in China right?.....Lol.....Don't know many that run non stop here? other than Philip Morris and the like.
not sure wher you live,there are plenty that run 24/7 here in upstate NY.
They need to just legalize outdoor grows and quit fuckin around, stop makin it so hard for the do gooders to do right. thatll cut down on the electricity use BIG time, I know I wouldnt use indoor lighting if it wasnt 100% necessary for a year round harvest.
!00% right. How many farmers incur the expense of growing indoors?It really is no different than growing tomatoes peppers cucumbers etc. LEGALIZE. STOP THE MADNESS