#potatoesmatterWell, it was fun for a few months. So was Occupy, but eventually everyone changes the station.
Whats next?
Worthless black ass punk.....
Yet without the BLM movement would police brutality be up in the forefront of the news and on almost everybody's lips? Hardly - we'd still discount it as "just a thug getting shot," which to me is a terrible way the news spins this stuff.
even though you admitted that she never did any of that stuff, and you just said she did so she could defraud the government for thousands?
and the only reason is because she found out she was getting nothing, so you gave her that phony position and let the payouts build up, you fucking welfare fraudster.
i wonder how much i could get for reporting your fraudulent ass to the government?
Out of all the people the media glorifies those who are whore mongers and coke heads. It is a crying shame that good people and good deeds hardly make the light of news.
If you do your research the police are killing "white" citizens at an alarming rate so I think your point is a complete fallacy.
We were also discussing police brutality and profit prisons well before blm came on to the scene.
Your interpretation of "just a thug getting shot" is the way you feel not me. It is people like you and Uncle Buck who try to speak for everyone and try to throw your own ideals onto other people. Take that pile of shit and flush it bro.
No I said that the media spins it like that. Honestly Average American Joe was not talking about for profit prisons and police brutality. Now it's at the national forefront.
my apologies then I thought you were trying to troll me like bucky. I have been talking about this for years but it is because I grew up in the barely middle class - poor. I saw first hand how people were treated compared to those in the richer areas. It is why we always hung out at this rich girls house because there was never a cop to be found. You come around our neighborhood though and you see one patrollling a few times a day.
Your local law enforcement`s behavior is directly related to it`s leadership. Starts at the Mayors office, he appoints the commissioner. Unions usually do the hiring. But the commissioner can do the quality control and firing. The smaller the force, the easier it is to do.
Poopy pants,
nobody takes a person like you serious. You should call the SS people and prove to them how much of an idiot you are. That would be funny and I am sure they would get a good laugh out of it.
I can hear it now, Poopy pants turns in a tax payer for collecting SS checks because they paid into the program. Your diploma is really kicking into high gear. Get on the horn and get'er done, and let us know how it turned out. Dumb Dumb
If you do your research the police are killing "white" citizens at an alarming rate
you even said she never paid into the system, hence why you fraudulently listed her as an employee, even though she wasn't and did nothing, and waited for years to collect your fraudulent welfare.
you know i have all your personal info, right?
He might not, but lots of people have his...Sure you do. Cry me a river.
He might not, but lots of people have his...