bodhi seeds


loved my beaver. Especially the grapefruit pheno. We had a horrible nasty (in a good(ish)) way garlic pheno too, made me feel sick when trimming. Honourable mention to the peppercorn pheno as well!
Do you have the garlic pheno around still? I know a cat on Breedbay, been hunting himself a garlic pheno since the late 80's I think he said. Sounds like the guys that like it LOVE it so it might have a relative demand if you can pass along cuts of it.

My two favourites where the grapefruit chemmy terpene bomb and the SUPER potent one I named 'Milla'. But each pheno was phenomenal. I really should get a stack more and inbreed. I can have a lot of fun that way hehehehe
Puffin Cherry Beaver?
Black Beaver, White Beaver, Heri-Beaver, Dirty Beaver (Dirty Sanchez x Dream Beaver, THIS cross had all my hopes and dreams wrapped into its genetic code, my ZERO STRETCH gram-per-watt-every-time Dirty Sanchez x Beaver), Dank Beaver... those are the tame ones. If I had to actually type the names SHOE has come up with when talking Beaver crosses i will probably get banned. I did like 'Clown Hole'... lol... SHOE... funny man.
Do you have the garlic pheno around still? I know a cat on Breedbay, been hunting himself a garlic pheno since the late 80's I think he said. Sounds like the guys that like it LOVE it so it might have a relative demand if you can pass along cuts of it.

My two favourites where the grapefruit chemmy terpene bomb and the SUPER potent one I named 'Milla'. But each pheno was phenomenal. I really should get a stack more and inbreed. I can have a lot of fun that way hehehehe
no I didn't keep the garlic, none of us enjoyed that expression. We kept the grapefruit for a couple of runs and then replaced it with a fantastic amnesia haze that I've still got.
Use their poop dude! It's some of the best fertilizer around! I feed my bunnies a ton of canna leaves, and I use their shit in my soil and veggie garden. Win/win
Feel free to stop by the organic section and comment on my "Compost Pile". Greasemonkeymann has been helping me for a while, but this is still my 1st real compost heap! I had others, butt....
I am still unsure on how to use the rabbit bedding in my worm bin? Probably need to let it compost first, right?
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no I didn't keep the garlic, none of us enjoyed that expression. We kept the grapefruit for a couple of runs and then replaced it with a fantastic amnesia haze that I've still got.
SOMA Seeds? His NYCD we got in 2001 is still talked about 6 years after the mother was lost. Fantastic weed.
Puffin Cherry Beaver?
I couldnt say anything funnier than the pictures!!! Boss Hogg x Dream Beaver?

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Black Beaver, White Beaver, Heri-Beaver, Dirty Beaver (Dirty Sanchez x Dream Beaver, THIS cross had all my hopes and dreams wrapped into its genetic code, my ZERO STRETCH gram-per-watt-every-time Dirty Sanchez x Beaver), Dank Beaver... those are the tame ones. If I had to actually type the names SHOE has come up with when talking Beaver crosses i will probably get banned. I did like 'Clown Hole'... lol... SHOE... funny man.

Not that you need inspiration, but if you, note the federally-funded parachuting beavers at 8:40:
Feel free to stop by the organic section and comment on my "Compost Pile". Greasemonkeymann has been helping me for a while, but this is still my 1st real compost heap! I had others, butt....
I am still unsure on how to use the rabbit bedding in my worm bin? Probably need to let it compost first, right?

Rabbit poop is generally OK to add right to the worm bin. So long as the bunnies are healthy and disease free, it should be fine. If you were using manure from an unknown source where pathogens or deworming medicine could be a factor then running it through a compost heap would be advisable. The thermophilic microbes would heat the pile up enough to kill any pathogens.

I add the poop to my worm bin, mix it in to the soil, and even as a top dress if a plant is looking hungry. If you're feeding the rabbits alfalfa pellets then it will be a good, quickly bio available source of Nitrogen.

I'll pop by your thread...I love talking shit! :-)
Do you have the garlic pheno around still? I know a cat on Breedbay, been hunting himself a garlic pheno since the late 80's I think he said. Sounds like the guys that like it LOVE it so it might have a relative demand if you can pass along cuts of it.

My two favourites where the grapefruit chemmy terpene bomb and the SUPER potent one I named 'Milla'. But each pheno was phenomenal. I really should get a stack more and inbreed. I can have a lot of fun that way hehehehe

Any ways to identify that "Milla" cut
Anyone remember the guy that got killed by a beaver a couple years ago while trying to take a picture of it? That's what that picture made me think of. haha

Freak accident, aggressive beaver bit the guy right in the femoral artery and severed it.
You are one of the guys that pointed me towards bodhi, Thanks!

You might be talking about this guy though..upload_2015-12-20_16-31-26.jpeg
SOMA Seeds? His NYCD we got in 2001 is still talked about 6 years after the mother was lost. Fantastic weed.
not too sure of the origin, it came through a couple of people before we got it but its the same as the amnesia in the dutch coffee shops, very easy to grow, great yielder, frosty and a great taste. Ticks every box! Its only drawback is its not too easy to clone. ill try and dig up a pic.
Any ways to identify that "Milla" cut
Starts off fat leaved and Indy looking, bushes out from around 4 weeks, she gives two balls on her lowest node as she hits flower, frosts to the tips in 14 days, by this time leaves show her full Sativa nature fingers become elongated, and an almost reverse serration to the leaves. Chlorophyll packed dark almost olive green, severe appetite for Mg and K. Out of all the beavers she also has the strongest lateral branches. What i like to call a "toned down" Appalachia bud structure meaning just a tiny bit more sparse but still total shiskebabs of awesome. Best I can do. I just found my pic backups i will go dig for you and shiw her off. Might take a day or two i have half a terrabyte to sift through...
not too sure of the origin, it came through a couple of people before we got it but its the same as the amnesia in the dutch coffee shops, very easy to grow, great yielder, frosty and a great taste. Ticks every box! Its only drawback is its not too easy to clone. ill try and dig up a pic.
You in the UK? I know all about that Amnesia. Most cats i know that side have run it or are running it, that and some kind of cheese like Exo or Blues/Livers. Seen all the Cheese cuts but still not Amnesia. Been a bit tricky skipping that one across the atlantic.
You in the UK? I know all about that Amnesia. Most cats i know that side have run it or are running it, that and some kind of cheese like Exo or Blues/Livers. Seen all the Cheese cuts but still not Amnesia. Been a bit tricky skipping that one across the atlantic.

So, Livers is cheese? Got a 10 pack as freebies from Breeders Boutique, and they never could tell me what they are, but 2 just went into 12 / 12.
You in the UK? I know all about that Amnesia. Most cats i know that side have run it or are running it, that and some kind of cheese like Exo or Blues/Livers. Seen all the Cheese cuts but still not Amnesia. Been a bit tricky skipping that one across the atlantic.
yes U.k mate, certified tea drinker here. Where about are you from?