What have you said to Women that Actually, Really Worked?

One night I was 4 to 6 beers in the wind ,saw this chic , walked up and said " hey I'm drunk an wanna fuck " she says "I don't drink but I do fuck" Nov. 7th was our 6th year of marriage :wall:
So, we all know about cheezy pickup lines. And they do work at a certain point of the last call minute, with some gals. :)

But, say you are both decidedly not drunk, its the middle of the afternoon. We know our self assigned status of the moment will begin to get in our way the moment we see her. And her sense of attraction to high status men is more well tuned than our ability to read her chest, waist, hip ratio from 100 yards in her snow suit. That's pretty good. But, we know she can read us like a book as we walk up. (damn!!) Butterflies have us say, "Bubu buba, bbaa...shucks." The hotter the babe the worse the self imposed trauma, right guys? There goes all status! Can't even talk.

But, say, by buckling down, you manage to make an introduction and some cute comment, you throw her a sassy compliment and suddenly, she is attentive, for a few minutes. Now what? You both know what is looming. Yes? The No Sex Zone. It is called the Just Friends Zone, to be polite about it.

And she is already about to decide. She read most of what she need for the decision, on your face. What next??

I just came up with one out of desperation, I'd like to share. We know we need to talk about sex, somehow. But, we can't talk about sex with her, yet. A puzzle. Sex with other women? Careful. Thin ice.

Sex on TV, in Music Videos, "do YOU like big butts?" Sure, it's a start. I started there, but now enough. I could see I was losing her.

I somehow turned it to condoms, and ouch... the look. woops. Too clinical.

So, I muttered a Hail Mary.

"I have to order mine special." I said, (true, and mostly for price,) I was looking off into space to be non confrontational and not bragging.....

OMG! I glance back, her eyes are full of interest! She put her hand on my arm. "What do you mean?" She coos, and then changes the subject to, "must get going." We exchange txt, and I make my exit. Blew that one! Oh well.

10 minutes later, I get a text. Great time! She wants to see me soon.

Women are lovely,

What's your story.
$100. for half and half? It worked. However, the O'l lady is not always that easy. I think she wanted some new shoes.
as we are passing each other in the club she says quick what do i look like from the neck up i says you have very big eyes. off to the romper room...