Please be advised that even if Hippy only gave the joint-personal representative solicitor-client relationship with a non-lawyer operating as the "Coalition" his 'time' and 'interest' that is deemed to be support worthy of a demand from Hippy for the CWJPRSCRWNL to provide full financial disclosure as required by the government of Canada's annual filing requirements for all such enterprises whether for profit or not. This is called 'compliance reporting' and I am certain that Conroy is aware of this fact that the Coalition has a duty to provide 'annually' full financial disclosure and in the prescribed format which is 'audited' financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements and Auditor's Report, and NOT through intimidating Youtube videos and FB posts or by telephoning Wilcox or his little mate and Cannabliss Dispensary owner, Justin Loisoz, for verification that Wilcox's 'financial management style' is consistent with the generally accepted accounting principles and procedures (GAAPP) that govern business in Canada. But Conroy is simply the legal counsel for the Allard Action and not the Coalition's 'corporate' lawyer appointed under the Coalition's by-laws or Articles of Association, which is a completely different matter for a corporate lawyer and not a criminal lawyer. If Wilcox went to Conroy for advice and information or direction on the demand for disclosure it would be like going to a dentist for eye surgery.