Well-Known Member
:30-:45 his dance..
Me too all though I remember the classics my hay day was with the NWOLol, I loved wrestling back in the day.
I fully belived that shit until hulk Hogan fell off the building, painted his stubble and went evil.
Sad day
I used to watch that all the time I had it on vhs.. He throws mankind off the cell almost hits the railing.Me too all though I remember the classics my hay day was with the NWO
Ill never forget when the undertaker choke slammed mankind/dudelove/mick foley down through the cage into the ring onto a a bed of up turned thumb tacks....
Hey go take a drive in this condition. That should just about do it for ya.I better cut back on these all nighter coco and chess nights. Ya it is a vital aspect but like the race track is open.
What is more glorious then stallions running and just beating it. Never know when it will finish
Why the fuck do people say new years eve and not new year eve