getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016


Well-Known Member
Wat swell and how many knots winds gm ?
7-10 seas blowing south 30 knots gotta steam straight into it so we are leaving at 10 tonight after the high tide and the wind drops out alittle but going to be 10-15 knots tomorrow and back to 30 + knots for a couple more days so we have to go when the weather lets us no matter what time day or night and use the 24 hr window to the fullest


Well-Known Member
Always good to get an early crop in! Some day ill have a greenhouse. Untill then I have to deal with the short outdoor season we have.. I did just fire up an indoor garden though so I can at least have something going during winter. I hope to run your strains some day!!
soon as the seeds are done ill get them to ya you will have them before spring planting