The Dons' Organic Garden

myco only works if it has physical contact with the roots.
Otherwise, it's just a foodstock for the bigger/mean microbes/trichoderma.
What I do is at transplant I mist the root/rootball, and then sprinkle the myco on it, the misting makes the myco stick to the roots.
And then plop it into it's new container.
I only add myco at transplant.
Yep, that's how I do it too.
Was just saying if you have a mix that's not too hot and heavy you can run your seedlings in it from start, without a need to buffer. If there was one thing to do to the baby mix I'd say myco, but yea, listen to the Monk, No need to waste extra if you got a chance to hit roots directly at t-plant

Speaking of girls in their final soil from the get go, here's a soon to be sticky Super Lemon Chernobyl who be stacking beautifully, especially for a normally lanky and spacey lady..
Yep, that's how I do it too.
Was just saying if you have a mix that's not too hot and heavy you can run your seedlings in it from start, without a need to buffer. If there was one thing to do to the baby mix I'd say myco, but yea, listen to the Monk, No need to waste extra if you got a chance to hit roots directly at t-plant

Speaking of girls in their final soil from the get go, here's a soon to be sticky Super Lemon Chernobyl who be stacking beautifully, especially for a normally lanky and spacey lady..
She so fire she invisible!

Almost forgot..
Our beautiful, squat Super Lemon Haze x Chernobyl or SLCh clone. She's outproducing her sistren in terms of speed of her secondary growth. Her roots pre transplant were branching out to the point they looked like white little zippers.

I like the lone blade of grass that shot up. Should be some fire with its Silver background.

Potential star here, I think. Have to keep an eye on her.
I can get DNA seeds for a real decent price today especially, and kinda need beans stat so I can pop some and start making seeds myself.

Give me your input on their best choices if you can and want! Sooner the better!

Thanks guys!
@DonPetro et al
I can get DNA seeds for a real decent price today especially, and kinda need beans stat so I can pop some and start making seeds myself.

Give me your input on their best choices if you can and want! Sooner the better!

Thanks guys!
@DonPetro et al
The underrated X18 Pure Pakistani would be my top pick. Next would be the classic Kosher Kush.
Do you keep a mother?

always. i mainly garden from clone. i've only started the 9lb hammer and 2 dr who phenos i have from seed. the rest is clone! that's what i mean, 10+ yrs they have been cloning this particular sour diesel. i got it from a friend who is in a well connected circle and this sour has been around for a long time. its amazing how similar the sour d and gorilla glue #4 i have are. you would think that it's the parent for sure.....

i used to do this dutch passion blueberry years ago as well from that group. man, i still have people ask me if the blueberry is ever coming back lol