* Post how much do you smoke? per day, per week, per month whatever

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
All I have and thats not much yet.

When I had plenty of money I bought 1/4 lb month and most the time run out.


Active Member
I smoke maybe a few packed bowls a day. Like 4 bowls a day when I can. Some days I'll pack a dozen bowls. Other days I just don't smoke. It varies.


Well-Known Member
none at all, got a real job....sucks. in my day though with the cab on perpetual 12/12 id burn lots, just pick from the jar whenever i wanted


Active Member
Well, it depends really. I usually just smoke a couple joints throughout the day if i'm out t home in the country alone and awaY from everything. If i'm in town probably a couple more. Although I smoke bowls mostly while in town. On weekends it ranges from anywhere from a half (at least) to four or five ounces. Depends on cash range at the time of me an my homies.


Active Member
me an 8th i dont smoke alot do to i gota work i realy just like to come home and chill watch the giants do my thing u no so not that much i find that every harvest my paps grow we keep geting more and more bud that we dont smoke and hand it to some freinds so its a win win deal


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im down and have refined my tastes.I used to smoke about 2 oz a week of mids or commercial you know the $40-80 ozes.Now I like a higher quality and stick to about 1-2 oz a month


Well-Known Member
dam we got some pretty heavy smokers here. Im not a smoker at all quit when i was about 17 im now 23. Just loving growing and producing monsters buds i can show off with. :) Im not a dealer i just try and help close friends from spending money on this rubbish and making other ppl rich, but i do take cash off outsiders to cover costs for the next grow. Electricity nutes and some spending money for course.

When you guys say bowls do you mean cones? which are the small metal things you pack the weed into and then light.


Calyx LED
I would say I probably smoke 5-6 bowls a day, more on weekends. Monthly I probably burn about an ounce or so.


Well-Known Member
Im not a dealer i just try and help close friends from spending money on this rubbish

rubbish!?! rar! bowls are bongs or pipes, the bowl is where you put your smokin substance. i normally smoke between a 1/4 and a half a week.

been tryin to cut down to a steady 1/4 a week, 1 gram a day. but it doesnt work like that...