Hauling in water


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering if anyone here has done an outdoor grow hauling in water/collecting rain water as their primary source? Thinking about growing on some land we have, but am not sure how water levels are if we dig a well, if that won't work I am trying to plan for backups & if that is realistic. I am sure a lot of it depends on the cost to haul in water around my area.

Thank you in advance!
Oh, we don't have any rivers near by unfortunately :/ I meant more like paying a water hauling company to bring bulk amounts of water out lol.

I appreciate the response!

i paid 10cents a gallon with 1000 gal minimum in mendo for a season when we had no pond ...
i now pay 25cents for 1000 gallons out of a local western colorado source ... such a huge diffrence it killed me ...
buying your own water truck is a smart call in the long run if you got time to haul it ... but if you wanna run ALOT of gardens you just pay for it . and do math...
Lotta places are hurting bad for water.. Aquifiers drying up all over southern Cali.

I hear you. I am lucky to be hooked up to a local water district. Our neighbors across the road aren't since the boundaries run down cl of the road. Dad is also president of the water district.

Neighbors are currently tapping into an ag well that is owned by a major citrus producer, with their blessings. They know that they are depleting our ground water and don't want to end up in court.

All you gotta do to get them to accommodate you is bitch loud enough to the right people. They have halted spraying because of wind drift, but only once pops complained.
i paid 10cents a gallon with 1000 gal minimum in mendo for a season when we had no pond ...
i now pay 25cents for 1000 gallons out of a local western colorado source ... such a huge diffrence it killed me ...
buying your own water truck is a smart call in the long run if you got time to haul it ... but if you wanna run ALOT of gardens you just pay for it . and do math...
Thanks Joe! What water company are you using? I need to research prices and do the math as you've said, that's probably my best option, but I am considering seeing how much it cost to just run a water line to the property. Would be much easier. I appreciate the advice my man!

Uuuuummmmm, paying a water company to come water your weed?

You trolling or what?

Edit: Ok, if in a legal state, MaAybe.
Yea in a legal state, doing a legal grow.. I doubt the water companies care anyways as long as you got the money to pay them. The water tank they would refill would also be away from the plants out of sight so they probably wouldn't realize they are there.

What about digging a well? 15-30 cents a gallon can add up quick.
I've explored this option to an extent. Out here they would have to go 300' down and it cost roughly 20k which is not a huge deal, but I posted in the Colorado forum and someone said that the well water is basically unfit for drinking for people or plants, so I guess I sort of disregarded that option. Thank you for the suggestion though, this would def. be ideal.
These things are already set up with bulkhead fittings,most I've seen are 3/4 inch. If you set it up high enough,no need for a pump. Can be gravity fed.Just be carefull if you get one used as people use them to make biodiesil,around here anyhow.
My well pipe broke this summer. Had water delivered by the truck load. About 10 cents a gallon. Well is 560 feet down in San Diego county. Got new pipes put in after I pulled my crop.
You can buy 500 gallon water reservoirs left and right online. you would just need a trailer or truck that can handle 5ooo lbs. They run around 350 here.
These things are already set up with bulkhead fittings,most I've seen are 3/4 inch. If you set it up high enough,no need for a pump. Can be gravity fed.Just be carefull if you get one used as people use them to make biodiesil,around here anyhow.
Awesome idea, thanks man!

My well pipe broke this summer. Had water delivered by the truck load. About 10 cents a gallon. Well is 560 feet down in San Diego county. Got new pipes put in after I pulled my crop.
Damn! That's surprisingly cheap considering your all's current situation. Thanks for giving me a general idea. I bet you're glad to have the well fixed up an workin again