LIft deletes thread and packs up


Well-Known Member
Guess since they couldn't pull a fast one on us here or maybe because we brought some PRETTY bad stuff to light that reflects poorly on Lift as a company and how they operate they packed up and left. For now, you can bet they'll keep eyes on this board.

Fine Lift, delete the thread. We'll make one of our own stating the obvious which you didn't like.

-Positive reviews on Lift net you Lift points which you can exchange for an LP discount
-Negative reviews get deleted all together
-Lift is used as a "loophole" of sorts to get around advertising.

Feel free to add more guys. They deleted the post in hopes of that info disappearing, don't let that happen. Inform any one and EVERYONE in the medical community about Lift and their shady practices. Kickbacks are likely happening in one form or another for Lift from Lp's as these points clearly demonstrate.

There's THOUSANDS of us patients, and only a dozen and a half LP's. Together we stand, divided THEY fall. LP's are self serving and only looking out for themselves. They wont stick together like we can because the end goal for them is profits and not the well being of the sick
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johny sunset

Well-Known Member
Guess since they couldn't pull a fast one on us here or maybe because we brought some PRETTY bad stuff to light that reflects poorly on Lift as a company and how they operate they packed up and left. For now, you can bet they'll keep eyes on this board.

Fine Lift, delete the thread. We'll make one of our own stating the obvious which you didn't like.

-Positive reviews on Lift net you Lift points which you can exchange for an LP discount
-Negative reviews get deleted all together
-Lift is used as a "loophole" of sorts to get around advertising.

Feel free to add more guys. They deleted the post in hopes of that info disappearing, don't let that happen. Inform any one and EVERYONE in the medical community about Lift and their shady practices. Kickbacks are likely happening in one form or another for Lift from Lp's as these points clearly demonstrate.

There's THOUSANDS of us patients, and only a dozen and a half LP's. Together we stand, divided THEY fall. LP's are self serving and only looking out for themselves. They wont stick together like we can because the end goal for them is profits and not the well being of the sick

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Ya I missed it all...I was emptying the goats anal glands into a tweed container. So not too far different I suppose.
Guess you guys scared em off with the truth and blatant honesty about their crap site. Lift points...what a that anything like collecting the box tops from the Froot Loops box ?
When you get enough you send away for the submarine or the X-ray Glasses. Same schwagg as they are trying to pawn off as meds. But you guys are way too smart to fall into that I can see.
Too me lift is just a paid advertising site to sell over priced meds to the unfortunate.
I've only been to it briefly and then went outside to vomit from the lies they tell there.'s working...join cool....and no fool.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
-Positive reviews on Lift net you Lift points which you can exchange for an LP discount
-Negative reviews get deleted all together
This is false.

My one star reviews of tweed Are still available to see and I got my full lift points.

It doesn't matter weather you give the strain a 5star or 1 star review. Just as long as you input the information lift is asking for like batch number, cannabinoid profile, pictures,medicinal effects etc.


Well-Known Member
This is false.

My one star reviews of tweed Are still available to see and I got my full lift points.

It doesn't matter weather you give the strain a 5star or 1 star review. Just as long as you input the information lift is asking for like batch number, cannabinoid profile, pictures,medicinal effects etc.
They suddenly can't read when you say that. I've said that 100 times.