Try them!
I might suggest you "sand" the seam of the seed to aid in the "pop" and leave the seed with enough strength to go from there.
I use a match box from stick match's for that,,,,,800 grit works pretty good too.
Soaking and using a "cloneing nute" for the wetting of your popping media can (has for me) help those poor little weak babies make it. Some times the seed will have just enough to pop and need that extra bump of minor nutrient to actually go from there.
Ever had a strain of seeds just plain have almost none or none pop, even though they ARE fresh?
There are strains that have seed shells so thick that not very many to none will "pop" with out the sanding and then even you just putting enough pressure on the hull to crack it a tad for the moisture to get in! USE GREAT CARE if attempting this...
Seam sanding is an old school help out method for those and old seeds to aid in the pop. Soaking after is of course done.