Great insults to memorize


Well-Known Member
Stalk much? Look, Uncle Creepy, if your below-average intelligence self would take the time to'd see that 1) this thread is about Insults and 2) my posting to this thread wasn't aimed at any one person until peeps took aim at me... Now, cry elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Been here less than a month

under 100 posts

and only 17 likes

many here will learn from this

but not you..?
Stalk much? Look, Uncle Creepy, if your below-average intelligence self would take the time to'd see that 1) this thread is about Insults and 2) my posting to this thread wasn't aimed at any one person until peeps took aim at me... Now, cry elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Been here less than a month

under 100 posts

and only 17 likes

many here will learn from this

but not you..?
Furthermore, you must be on paTroll cuz the only comments you made to this thread were like "Wah Wah, curse words" and no Great Insults...sooo Zero Contributions from you towards thread = Trollin' trollin' trollin' keep them Dbags trollin'


Well-Known Member
Haven't had the time yet, still haven't climbed off your mountain of a Mother, then your sloppy gal beggin' to b next, not sure when I'll b able to get to it...


Well-Known Member
Stalk much? Look, Uncle Creepy, if your below-average intelligence self would take the time to'd see that 1) this thread is about Insults and 2) my posting to this thread wasn't aimed at any one person until peeps took aim at me... Now, cry elsewhere.
Lol... If you can't get along with the friendly Russian, you can't get along with anybody...


Well-Known Member
When a guy brags about how long his dick is, I say its because he hasnt had pussy in so long his dick is growing trying to reach his asshole.
Big dicks are over rated...
I have a friend who's 6'8...never related to women well, probably tough being that big and not a millionaire athlete...

Went to Vegas one time and bought a hooker as single guys who don't have girlfriends do sometimes...

Paid her, got naked and she saw his dick and offered his cash back or a hand job.

So what good is a dick that big if girls won't fuck it? Always felt bad for that guy.


Well-Known Member
Q 1. "Ready for Round 2" is a phrase that:
A) Ms Sunshines' wife will never hear from his limp dick having self.
B) Vostok's Kindergarten teacher said when she informed him he would be held back.
C) Penile Fungus' doctor said to him after his first penile implant was a failure (hence the fungal infection).
D) Jose Aldo never heard last night.
E) All of Above

Correct Answer: E). If you guessed E), well it was pretty obvious but give yourself a star for the day anyway!