Makes sense.This was on foot dude. I only drive on ketamine.
Makes sense.This was on foot dude. I only drive on ketamine.
Its the same way everyone sees the world. Just most are too unconsceince to notice. So nothing is wrong man. Just your perception of how matter truly acts broadening.well i did acid 3 times and never noticed no difference in perception, but after the last shroom I've been seeing small shadows on walls that would shift around and disappear, random bubbles of black would cross my vision, random bars of color red or yellow go up and down walls and on my computer screen, i see static on walls sometimes.
But yeah. A break is always smart. Until you feel normal at least. And maybe longer after that even.Hopefully it's hasn't worsened a precondition for schitzophrenia, you have any family members that have it? personally I wouldnt trip for a while and see if it gets better, I would hate to have somthing like that for the rest of my life...and I'm sure you don't want it to get worse if it is permenent, some people just ain't wired for psychs
I hear ya iv tripped maybe 2-3 times in the last 2 years, I went through a phase where I was hittin the psychs REALLY hard, then got into opiates and they kinda lose your desire to trip(and everything els really) but when I finally kick the ops I'm sure I'll fall in live the the psychs/weed againBut yeah. A break is always smart. Until you feel normal at least. And maybe longer after that even.
Ive recently given up lsd. And all psychedelics. Im stil sitting on some amazing windowpain from " the vault" and 25 hits of fluff. and yet have no need to trip again. Its weird how it works but these drugs teach us how to listen to our inner truth. Shed all bs and lies the ego tells and focus on ultimate truths which are inside us all along. Sobriety can be the most usefull tool at our disposal and each secound of awareness seen as a pure blessings from the creator. Be thankful Just for the oportunity to be aware in the first place.
I hope you conquer opiates. I know first hand the difficult task ahead. That is if you do want to give it up. For me that was the problem. Although i wanted to clean up, next month works better. Or tommorow works better than today. But that thought process never changed. One more high! Chase the dragon.I hear ya iv tripped maybe 2-3 times in the last 2 years, I went through a phase where I was hittin the psychs REALLY hard, then got into opiates and they kinda lose your desire to trip(and everything els really) but when I finally kick the ops I'm sure I'll fall in live the the psychs/weed again
I tried suboxome patches to. Omg what a nightmare. Nearly oded while at a outdoor weddingnin July. To much heat andnthe patch like went into super mode. Fuck. Lol. But i shoulda thought about that before wearing dress cloths in the sun all day.Congrats man glad to hear you faced your Deamonds and kicked their ass! Quitting is a true battle of the mind body and soul, iv tryd cold turkey a number of times and usually by day 2-3 I just say fuck it so iv decided to take the suboxone rout, atleast I can do a proper taper that way, gonna try to be on it for as little time as possible tho aiming for a 2 week quick taper...and it's prolly a good thing for me to leave this town I know to many dealers it's always just a phone call away
I got the 8mg strips not the patches, so far the plan is to start with half a strip n see if that's enough then do 3 days at 4mg. 3 days at 2mg, then 3 at 1mg then try to only take ,5mg every other day for a couple times then...I tried suboxome patches to. Omg what a nightmare. Nearly oded while at a outdoor weddingnin July. To much heat andnthe patch like went into super mode. Fuck. Lol. But i shoulda thought about that before wearing dress cloths in the sun all day.
And yeah sometimes a change if scenery is necessary. Most people cant conprehend trying to sober up. And "friends" take it personal. Let those ones go. They just need someone to help justify their own use ime.
damn that what wrong with me lol damn i did shrooms daily for about 2 years straight felt a little funny in the head also never been the same never had flash backs get the shacks every now and again but the fun out weighed the damage lol just use meth that will sort it out lol jkGot hppd from tripping balls on shrooms two days in a row, wtf do i do now? wish i knew the risks before it happened![]()
chew the norspan patches bro or pull the matrix off soak it in lemon juice heat up a little and drink the juice little bit at a time way diff from wearing the crapI tried suboxome patches to. Omg what a nightmare. Nearly oded while at a outdoor weddingnin July. To much heat andnthe patch like went into super mode. Fuck. Lol. But i shoulda thought about that before wearing dress cloths in the sun all day.
And yeah sometimes a change if scenery is necessary. Most people cant conprehend trying to sober up. And "friends" take it personal. Let those ones go. They just need someone to help justify their own use ime.
they got me on subby to get me off fent and oxys subby in my opinion is way worse then morph and fent wen done right i can be blasted off subby for hours and hours almost vommiting like crazy pure fucked up off the tiny littlest bit of subby like 2-4 mg but morph fent i would need 20 -60 mg of morph and about 12 of fent to get the same feeling only thing i miss that the subby dont have is the itches i love the itchesI tried suboxome patches to. Omg what a nightmare. Nearly oded while at a outdoor weddingnin July. To much heat andnthe patch like went into super mode. Fuck. Lol. But i shoulda thought about that before wearing dress cloths in the sun all day.
And yeah sometimes a change if scenery is necessary. Most people cant conprehend trying to sober up. And "friends" take it personal. Let those ones go. They just need someone to help justify their own use ime.
Really? Iv taken 12mg sub before and didn't feel high at all, this was when my usage was at a peak tho, and I love itches too I usually only get them from hydrocodone tho and that shits way to expensive to cwe and get high off of, but I think that's my favorite opiatethey got me on subby to get me off fent and oxys subby in my opinion is way worse then morph and fent wen done right i can be blasted off subby for hours and hours almost vommiting like crazy pure fucked up off the tiny littlest bit of subby like 2-4 mg but morph fent i would need 20 -60 mg of morph and about 12 of fent to get the same feeling only thing i miss that the subby dont have is the itches i love the itches
alot of people i no iv it or just smokes speaks on top of ya cones be carfull tho its will blast u and takes a little to kick inI got the 8mg strips not the patches, so far the plan is to start with half a strip n see if that's enough then do 3 days at 4mg. 3 days at 2mg, then 3 at 1mg then try to only take ,5mg every other day for a couple times then...
i take the straight buprenorphine not the subby with the naltrexone u dont get the same high as with the suboxone sorry were i come from we all call it subby and the one with naltrexone we call daftReally? Iv taken 12mg sub before and didn't feel high at all, this was when my usage was at a peak tho, and I love itches too I usually only get them from hydrocodone tho and that shits way to expensive to cwe and get high off of, but I think that's my favorite opiate
try it in lemon juice man just heated up in the micro wave for 30 -40 secs just drop half a octagone in a cup cover with juice heat up for 30-40 sec kill of the nel then drink bit by bit i say wait 60 min to an hour and a bit be4 redoseing see how it hits uAhh iv never Ivd subs but have read a lot of people say it does get you faded
man in the clouds u are back