Got Hppd what do I do?

Didn't realize that hppd existed for people. I have to read up more on it. Or not. Bong. You are going way too far. @WHODAT@THADOR is correct. Read all of our prior responses to your ongoing pttd. Think on them. It's not the shrooms its...
I was sitting on the truck on my break smoking a blunt and the walls started melting like I was on acid. Just a very gentle blurring of the lines that wouldn't stop or get stronger for a while. Haven't tripped in a week. It happens to me frequently enough I'm wondering if perhaps the only TRUE things in life are visible while we are tripping. Is our "normalcy" in fact a complete lie and tripping makes it that much more apparent?
I was sitting on the truck on my break smoking a blunt and the walls started melting like I was on acid. Just a very gentle blurring of the lines that wouldn't stop or get stronger for a while. Haven't tripped in a week. It happens to me frequently enough I'm wondering if perhaps the only TRUE things in life are visible while we are tripping. Is our "normalcy" in fact a complete lie and tripping makes it that much more apparent?
Or we've learned to see matter as it truly is. Electron clouds of potential exsistance. With consciencness choosing which manifest. Maybe to much tripping increases what we can perceive. Like working out a muscle. Gets stronger the more you use it.
Yesssss like working out your brain! I feel that a lot, like if I WANT to see the lines of the wall move all blurry like that I can MAKE myself perceive it. If not, I can make it stop doing that too
Or we've learned to see matter as it truly is. Electron clouds of potential exsistance. With consciencness choosing which manifest. Maybe to much tripping increases what we can perceive. Like working out a muscle. Gets stronger the more you use it.
Yesssss like working out your brain! I feel that a lot, like if I WANT to see the lines of the wall move all blurry like that I can MAKE myself perceive it. If not, I can make it stop doing that too
I notice this effect also. I believe that it is more of a reflexive event. Used to happen to me after I started using acid. Making lawns and walls breathe. At lower doses. I can push my visuals up to where they would be at higher doses. As if you are working a muscle that pertains to perception. After my ayuhausca incedent. This notion has become more of a likely hood. I believe that something similar has happened to bong.
Didn't realize that hppd existed for people. I have to read up more on it. Or not. Bong. You are going way too far. @WHODAT@THADOR is correct. Read all of our prior responses to your ongoing pttd. Think on them. It's not the shrooms its...

well i did acid 3 times and never noticed no difference in perception, but after the last shroom I've been seeing small shadows on walls that would shift around and disappear, random bubbles of black would cross my vision, random bars of color red or yellow go up and down walls and on my computer screen, and i see static on walls sometimes.
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Its like that everyday for me but like dasprout said you figure out how to control it. It gets comfortable feeling after a while at least for me
Yesssss like working out your brain! I feel that a lot, like if I WANT to see the lines of the wall move all blurry like that I can MAKE myself perceive it. If not, I can make it stop doing that too
kinda like, it's all in your head. you are in control. it's good to know your brain doesn't have a mind of it's own.
You are looking at it as a negative so if you think that way yes it will "get worse" I look at it like a positive so for me it "gets better" aka gets stronger like the muscle workout we've been describing. Go with the flow. Embrace it and don't give in to fear and disharmony