What's best, flush or no flush ?


Well-Known Member
I propose a test...go 2 weeks without eating just drink water and come back and tell us how you feel.Honestly ive gone both ways and my smoke is always both more flavorful and potent when I dont flush...but to each his own.(kidding though dont really starve yourself,its not healthy).


Well-Known Member
So it actually degrades it ?

That is very interesting
Not at all. The root zone is not finished doing its job, they still need oxygen and trace amounts of minerals in the ripening stage. Flushing it will remove everything and since they drink less water in the ripening stage, they will be sitting without oxygen in the roots for a while. If you taper down your feeds towards the end right before the ripening stage, you will not need a flush and the plant will not eat itself. You get a green harvest that actually kept putting on weight all the way to chop day.


Not at all. The root zone is not finished doing its job, they still need oxygen and trace amounts of minerals in the ripening stage. Flushing it will remove everything and since they drink less water in the ripening stage, they will be sitting without oxygen in the roots for a while. If you taper down your feeds towards the end right before the ripening stage, you will not need a flush and the plant will not eat itself. You get a green harvest that actually kept putting on weight all the way to chop day.
Why do some argue against what you say ?



Well-Known Member
If you ask questions be ready for opposing opinions,everyone has their own empirical evidence...I guess it's just something you'll have to learn the hard way...Get busy and test it yourself.