Cop Had Been Stalking Man's Fiancee Before Murdering His 6-Year Old Son
By Matt Agorist

Marksville, LA -- More information is coming to light about the two Marksville City Marshals, who ruthlessly shot to death a 6-year-old boy as he was buckled into the back seat of a vehicle.

Officers Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse, Jr. are currently being held, each with a $1 million bail for the murder of Jeremy Mardis and the attempted murder of his father, Chris Few.

Few's attorney, Mark Jeansonne said Monday, that the body camera video shows the father of this 6-year-old autistic boy who was shot to death in his car, had his hands in the air and did not pose a threat.

After it was revealed that the officers had fabricated a story about Chris Few having an outstanding warrant and being armed, the family is left wondering why in the world he was stopped in the first place.

Couple their lies with the fact that Few's attorney said he had his hands up during the stop, and a dark and ominous scenario begins to unfold.

Until now, there was still no logical reason for the stop, leaving everyone wondering why these officers went after Few at all. However, all that changed when Few's fiancée came forward about her relationship to one of the murdering cops, Norris Greenhouse, Jr.

According to the Advocate, Megan Dixon, Few's fiancée, said this weekend that Few had a previous run-in with Greenhouse. A former high school classmate of Dixon, Greenhouse had started messaging her on Facebook and had come by the house Few and Dixon were sharing at the time.

“I told Chris, and Chris confronted him about it and told him, ‘Next time you come to my house I’m going to hurt you,’ ” Dixon said.

Now that we know Few told Greenhouse to leave his fiancée alone, we can establish an alleged motive for the stop. Could it be that Greenhouse and the three other officers involved in the stop were abusing their authority to harass a man for being protective of his fiancée?

We’ve certainly seen far worse reasons for police officers to pull people over. However, this time, an officer’s alleged abuse of power ended with the death of an innocent child.

On Monday, Jeremy Mardis was laid to rest in Mississippi. As members of his family watched the tiny casket get lowered into the ground, their hearts were heavy with grief.

This grief, while incredibly real and horrendous, could have also been prevented. Greenhouse and Stafford had an atrocious history that should have ended their careers in law enforcement far before they were able to murder a child. But they were not fired. Instead, their issues were ‘resolved’ and they were allowed to continue their tyranny.

The fault for the death of Jeremy Mardis does not end with Greenhouse and Stafford. Everyone who’s been complicit in allowing these proven violent and rapacious maniacs to keep their badges is culpable of aiding and abetting murderers.
VIDEO: Cops Beat Man Bloody For Refusing To Put Down Cell Phone, Say They 'Don't Know Who He's Calling'
by Asa Jay

Video has surfaced showing Arizona police officers slamming a man to the ground and punching him in the face for not putting up his cell phone when they told him to last week.

Arthur Velazquez was stopped around the area of Main Street and Sycamore by Mesa cops who said he matched a description of a suspect who was wearing a hoodie and riding a bike.

After he was detained, police say Velazquez pulled out his phone and was attempting to make a phone call, when officers told the him to put the device away.

"I'm thinking about my own safety," Velazquez said. "I had a feeling that with these two officers something bad was going to happen, that's why I called my sister."

The footage, which was recorded by one of the officers' body-cams, shows the cops trying to take the phone away, before they slam Velazquez to the ground, grind his face into the pavement, and start punching him in the head.

Police have justified the officers actions by saying phone calls can sometimes lead to more trouble in an incident, and that when a person is detained, they must comply with orders or face reprisal.

"You have additional people coming to the scene and you are in fear," Mesa police detective Steve Berry said. "Who might be armed, and showing up to assist."

Berry contends that if Velasquez would have simply put the phone down, the officers wouldn't have been forced to beat him.

"Taking five minutes and complying and calling your sister when you got done, would have gone a long way," Berry said. "He could have moved on for the evening."

Velasquez was not charged with a crime but received an infraction for not having a light on his bicycle. As a result of the beating he endured a concussion and required five stitches to patch lacerations on his face. He says he is in the process of obtaining a lawyer and plans on pressing charges.

"I never had problems like this with officers and for it to happen was a big slap in the face," Velasquez said. "There was no need to punch me closed fist, straight to the face while my arms are pinned under your legs. There's not need for that."

Despite officers taking up for their comrades actions, Mesa police says they have launched an internal investigation to review the incident.
These Cops Could Care Less About Breaking The Law On Video, Tell Victim, 'It's Policy'
By Johnny Liberty

Glens Falls, NY – A video uploaded to Facebook last week demonstrates the extent to which police will go to harass and intimidate citizens during an “ordinary” traffic stop.

On Wednesday, November 4th, Beatrice Larry had just arrived home from work when she saw her boyfriend being pulled over three houses down. Upon her arrival at the scene, she learned that he had been ticketed for driving with a suspended license and failure to obey a traffic control device. Her boyfriend also advised her that the officers had taken the keys to the vehicle (which belonged to her) and stated that they were going to have the vehicle towed.

When Beatrice attempted to politely inform the officers that she was the owner of the vehicle and it was only a mere three houses away from her home, the officers refused to listen, instead deciding to flex their authority and brazenly violate her rights.

At this point, Beatrice wisely began to record the interaction. As the video begins you can hear Beatrice ask the officer for her keys. The officer then advises her that they will be sent with the towing company. Immediately after, the officers begin their illegal search of this innocent woman’s vehicle.

Beatrice tells The Free Thought Project:
"I asked for my keys they refused to give them to me and said it's being towed and they began searching my vehicle saying it's policy."While police are allowed to search vehicles in certain circumstances during traffic stops, in this particular incident these officers were in complete violation of the law. According to the 2009 Supreme Court rulingArizona v. Gant, arresting a motorist for driving with a suspended license, is not a lawful basis to search a vehicle.

In spite of this legal precedent, the officers continue to show a blatant disregard for this woman's rights. After Beatrice informs the officers that what they are doing is illegal and demands them to stop numerous times, they respond by telling her that they aren't searching the vehicle, but are conducting an "inventory" as they are caught on video rummaging through numerous areas of the vehicle.

Despite the officer's insistence that they were conducting an inventory of the vehicle's contents, the officers can be heard remarking to each other that they didn't find anything. In addition, Beatrice says that she has also yet to receive a 'list' from the so-called 'inventory.'

Ironically, nearly one year ago to the day Saratoga County NY Sheriff's deputy Shawn Glans was caught on video assaulting a man for refusing an illegal search.

How can the public trust "peace officers" who seemingly make it their goal to violate citizen's rights and look for any possible reason they can find to extort money from people and lock them in cages?

Johnny Liberty is a researcher and investigative journalist. You can follow him on twitter @LibertyUnltd
ever wonder why the general public are so fucked up. Rah Rah, i know off topic. Or is it ?

Sports Military Worship Propaganda Exposed -- Senate Report Admits Millions Spent On PsyOp
by Bernie Suarez

A Senate oversight report just blew the lid on the U.S. military worship ceremonies we all see at sporting events all over the United States. We see this military worship all the time at college and professional sports events. These staged ceremonies are designed to psyop young men and women into joining the military. They are also designed to sell war and make young adults think that the road to honor goes through a military lifestyle. Sports fans have no idea they are being bombarded with lies and propaganda bankrolled by the Pentagon and the National Guard. The recent Senate report blowing the lid on this psyop campaign labels the paid for propaganda as "inappropriate and frivolous."

The report reviewed contracts between the Pentagon (and National Guard) and sports teams and admittedly labels two thirds of the contracts as "paid-for-patriotism." Yeah, I'll say. Every trick from flag ceremonies, national anthems, ceremonial first pitches, puck drops, color guard presentations even reenlistment ceremonies have been quietly paid for to deceive the sports fans into wanting to join the military.

I would add that even though it's not mentioned in the article referenced let's not forget the pro-military commercials sports fans are forced to watch before viewing team highlights or the cleverly positioned banners on sport websites. The propaganda is everywhere.

To add another twist to this story, the Pentagon is holding back a third of the contracts, interfering with the full investigation. What might the Pentagon be hiding this time? Senator Jeff Flake said of the Pentagon lack of cooperation:
It's like pulling teeth.He also states:
It is troubling to learn that taxpayer funds are being used to compensate these teams for honoring and recognizing U.S. military service members.Even warmonger and criminal John McCain admitted:
thanks to an in-depth investigation, a lot of that patriotism was paid for.When John McCain himself admits that the Pentagon is propagandizing sports fans, that shows you how blatant and undeniable the propaganda is.

The questions we should be asking is why is the Pentagon not cooperating? And, is anyone surprised by this? I'm not. Most people don't realize the Pentagon has an endless supply of money through something called "Overseas Contingency Operation" (OCO) which was set up after 9/11. In this uncapped money siphoning scheme called the "Pentagon Slush Fund" billions of dollars can be siphoned from tax payers to pay for endless wars. For example the phony war against their own proxy army, ISIS, allows the Pentagon to siphon $10 million per day or $8.6 billion annually! Are you beginning to see the bigger picture?

So when sports fans are at stadiums watching all these staged ceremonies, they don't realize it's a paid-for psyop to fool young adults into joining the military to fight in bankers wars, feed the war profit machine and justify billions into their endless budget. There is no honor or integrity in this. Who knows what is in those hidden agreements which the Pentagon refuses to disclose. Are there illegalities reflected in them? Is there something far more nefarious going on that they don't want anyone to see?

Let this be a wake up call to all sports fans. Let sports fans know there is a war on for their minds and the Pentagon is paying millions from an endless fund of money to brand their war machine and steal the minds of young adults.

It's time sports fans and the general public hold team owners responsible for accepting money that funds the U.S. war machine. The individual teams that are taking money from the Pentagon should be exposed and held accountable. Let's stop the nationwide psychotic military worship once and for all. Let's stop portraying military personnel like they are fearless gods that need to be worshiped and let's call this evil for what it is.

Let's hit the military and the Pentagon with the truth they don't want to hear. That everyone in the Military is an order-following slave. The question is how many people in the military will follow orders without considering if the order is lawful and moral? Very few if any because the U.S. military is a machine that weeds out conscientious soldiers. They want and need brainwashed order followers that won't question the morality of the mission.

The U.S. military is arguably the greatest threat to humanity today even though there are many well-meaning men and women in it. I know because I was in the military and I meant well when I served so I know this is a real phenomenon. It's also impossible to know what is in someone's heart. However, the thing that we know for sure is that the U.S. military is a tool for the global elite to execute the plans. There's no getting around it.

This is the reason why Obama has fired so many senior military commanders in the past 7 years. Getting rid of the true honorable men and replacing them with obedient immoral slaves. Let this serve as a warning to all military. The military apparatus serves as a tool of evil for the elite and it seems that will never change. This is why they need to pay for their propaganda intended to deceive sports fans into serving their killing machine.

It's time to say no to the killing machine. Say no to the Pentagon's killing machine dressed as honorable and godly. There is nothing honorable, godly or moral about participating in immoral wars of aggression which are all based on government lies. And if sports teams refuse to acknowledge this then don't support them. Take a stand and see the sports mind control psyop for what it is.
Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TVproject where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems.
Cops Stalked & Brutally Beat a Man Because He Unwittingly Gave a Cop Killer Directions
By John Vibes

New York, NY — Karim Baker, 26, a former Fed Ex Driver from Queens, is suing the city of New York for $10 million because he was ruthlessly assaulted by a gang of police after he unwittingly gave the wrong person directions.

According to the lawsuit, on December 20, 2014, Baker was working for Fed-Ex delivering packages when a random man asked him for directions, he gave the man directions as he usually would if someone would ask him, and then he went about his day. Coincidentally, the person who asked him for directions was Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a man who later killed two police officers.

It is important to point out that delivery drivers give directions to strangers on a regular basis, because most people assume that delivery drivers know their way around the city.

During the NYPD's investigation, officers noticed the encounter between Baker and Brinsley on surveillance footage and began to blame Baker for what happened later that day.

They then began to stalk and harass Baker, pulling him over for no reason more than 20 times in just a few months, and never giving him a ticket for any infraction. When Baker finally objected to the harassment, he was beaten mercilessly to the point of hospitalization.

"I cannot really fathom a circumstance where a guy is pulled over 20 times in the span of nine months, never been given a ticket, and then on the heels of that, they beat the hell out of him and put him in the hospital,"lawyer Eric Subin said. Subin added that his client is now traumatized by the incident and that he will probably never look at things the same way again.

"The guy can barely get through a sentence without breaking down in tears," Subin said.

Baker has no criminal history and has never had a run-in with the law, aside from this one. After the incident occurred, Baker was charged with resisting arrest, criminal possession of a controlled substance, obstructing police and parking within 15 feet of a hydrant.

The NYPD has been silent on the issue, saying only that the case is under review, and that "The arresting officer's supervisor notified IAB that Karim Baker was injured while resisting arrest. Mr. Baker was treated and released for minor cuts to his head and lip at a local hospital. The incident is being investigated by CCRB and the NYPD's Office of the Chief Of Department. No allegation of misconduct was reported by Mr. Baker at the time of his arrest."

Baker made the simple and unavoidable mistake of being in the wrong place at the wrong time on the day that he gave Brisley directions and for this, NYPD cops have turned his life into a living hell.

John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page and purchase his books at his website www.JohnVibes.com.
Cop Shoots Himself, Blames 'Hispanic Male'
by Asa Jay

A police officer in England, Arkansas has been charged after admitting he lied when he claimed he was shot in the chest during a traffic stop last month.

Sgt. David Houser had claimed that a Hispanic man pointed a .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun out the window of his vehicle during the stop on Oct. 24 off Highway 15.

Houser said in police reports that he was able to push the gun away as the suspect was firing – and the round grazed his bulletproof vest and was possibly deflected by a pen.

The lie triggered a man hunt and police searched the area for a silver SUV that they believed may of had bullet holes in the passenger side. No suspect was ever found.

On Tuesday, the Arkansas State Police announced that they found evidence "contradictory to Houser's initial statement," and said the Sgt. "admitted that he had fabricated th[e] whole thing" after being taken into custody.

"It's every chief's worst nightmare to get a call that your officer has been shot or involved in a shooting," England Police Department Chief Nathan Cook said. "To investigate and find out it's self-inflicted just puts a whole different spin on it."

Houser was charged with filing false police reports and was released from the Lonoke County jail before 10 a.m..

"He's obviously got some personal issues he's dealing with," Cook said. "Obviously he needs some help to have fabricated a shooting incident and to shoot yourself and claim you were shot at by someone who doesn't exist."

This isn't the first time that a cops lie to cover-up his own malfeasance prompted a manhunt.

In September, a Millis, Massachusetts police officer was proven a liar after investigators say he "fabricated" a story about his cruiser being fired upon and catching on fire to hide the fact that he wrecked.

Police responded by ordering residents to stay in their homes, and local schools were placed on lock-down while a search was launched for the "suspect" that included a SWAT team, K-9 officers, and a Massachusetts State Police helicopter.

No suspect was found.

After an investigation, police said they concluded that the officer made up the shooting story and fired at the cruiser himself to make it appear that he had been shot at.
Cop Stops and Frisks Black Man Because He 'Didn't Like The Way He Was Walking'
by M. David and S. Wooten

It's a phenomenon known as "walking while black." To many who are not African American, it is assumed to be nothing more than paranoia or coincidence. But to African Americans, it is a phenomenon that is all to real, and one that is becoming increasingly documented by those who film the police.

One such incident was recorded by Deonte Lynn, an African American man who was simply walking home from work when he was stopped and then frisked by an Alabama police officer after the cop told him he "didn't like the way he was walking."

Lynn explains that he walking from his job at a Subway store, to a nearby shopping center in order to return his Redbox movie before incurring a late fee. That's when a police officer stopped him.

Lynn explains on the YouTube video description that "I wasn't walking on the wrong side of the street I was walking normal across a red light intersection. he was sitting at red light and once it turned green he came and pulled up on me and told me to get across the road. I said ok n kept it moving, then like 1 min later he pulls up on me again but this time gets out his car. so yea pretty much no reason he just really wanted to mess with me. I guess he was bored."

Lynn repeatedly asks the officer why he was being stopped.

"I'm going to give you just a little bit before you go to jail," the officer replies.

"You stopped and told me, 'don't walk like that' and I said, 'ok,'" Lynn continued.

"No, I said, get on across the road," the cop replies again. "You're about come to a standstill."

"When you told me that, I was already at the gas station," Lynn responds.

The officer tries to justify stopping him because he was walking in the road. But Lynn notes the absence of sidewalks, which makes it legal to walk in the road.

"I can come out and talk to you anytime I want to," the officer continues.

"You're not telling me why you f*cking stopped me," Lynn asserts.

"I don't care. At this point, I'll tell you why you're going to jail," the cop replies again.

The officer then frisks Lynn – "to look for weapons."

After 30 minutes, Lynn was let go.

Watch the video who Lynn uploaded below…
Get out the wax , its serf time
Blind Man Wins Lawsuit After Cop Slams Head Into Counter
by Asa Jay

An elderly blind man that had his head slammed into a counter by a Denver Police officer after asking him to allow him to feel his badge to prove he was a cop, won an excessive force lawsuit against the department on Friday.

80-year-old Philip White, who is a retired school administrator with a Master Degree in Education, was at a downtown Greyhound Bus Terminal in Denver on May 22, 2012.

He was attempting to board a bus in order to go to Vail where he was to take a van to his home in Eagle – but was told the bus was full.

Court documents say White wanted to discuss his options with terminal employees, but was eventually told by a security guard that he was "trespassing" and to vacate the premises.

After White refused to leave, the security guard called the cops and Officer Kyllion Chafin responded to find the man on the phone with police himself trying to find a solution to being blind in a city in which he did not live without any way to get home.

When confronted by Chafin, White asked the officer if he could touch his badge so he could verify his identity – a common practice among the blind when dealing with cops.

Instead, court documents say Chafin violently grabbed the senior citizens arms to place them behind his back, pushed him forward, and slammed his head into a ticket counter.

Suffering lacerations to his face and head, White was detained and taken to the Denver jail. However, he was released eight hours later without charges.

Filed in U.S. District Court, the lawsuit went before a jury on Monday. After hearing evidence, jurors returned a verdict Friday after less than a day of deliberation.

White, who was 77 at the time of the incident, was awarded a total of $400,000 – $100,000 in compensatory and $300,000 in punitive damages.

"We are very gratified that the jury recognized that Denver Police Officer Chafin engaged in excessive force," White's attorney, Darold Killmer said.

"The police officer's aggressive, bullying response was inexcusable. He bloodied and brutalized an elderly disabled man who never in his 77 years had any run-ins with police."

Denver police have commented little on the lawsuit but a spokesperson said the department "respect[ed] the jurors decision," but that they "didn't find any violations of policy" in the incident by Chafin.
VIDEO: Special Treatment During Traffic Stop Shows How Cops Treat The Elite Vs Everyone Else
By Andrew Emett

West Lafayette, IN -- In a blatant example of the double standard within the U.S. justice system, a current university president and former Governor of Indiana was recently caught on dash cam video driving over twice the speed limit and rolling through a STOP sign. Instead of issuing a ticket or shooting the suspect for exhibiting suspicious behavior, the officer apologized and didn't even bother giving him a written warning for breaking multiple laws.

Around 7:50 a.m. on October 20, a Purdue University police officer observed a silver Toyota Avalon driving 42mph in a 20mph zone and began following the car. According to the officer's dash cam video, the cop decided to pull over the speeding vehicle after it rolled through a STOP sign. Instead of immediately pulling over to the side of the road, the vehicle continued driving before turning left into a driveway.

In addition to his dubious behavior, the driver suddenly opened his door with the engine running instead of shutting off his car and waiting for the officer to calmly approach him. Although most cops would be legally justified in pulling out their service weapon and taking cover at this point, the officer can be heard giggling while saying, "Good morning, sir."

"Hi," university president and former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels replied.

"Do you know why I stopped you?" the officer asked.

"I don't know," Daniels said. "Too fast at the stop sign, or..."

"No, you were like 42 in a 20," the officer sheepishly responded.

"I left my phone here, I've got a call coming at 8 o'clock," Daniels rambled. "I know it, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," the officer reassured him. "I'm going to let you go."

As Daniels continued spouting excuses, the cop stammered out, "I...yeah...I thought...I, but yeah, I just, you know what you did. I stopped you for speeding. That's why I stopped ya, so..."

"I'm always slow through there," Daniels interrupted her, "if I wasn't racing to the phone."

"I understand," the cop acquiesced. "You have a better day and stay safe, okay?"

Without bothering to ask for his driver's license, vehicle registration, or proof of insurance, the officer also neglected to mention what a poor decision Daniels made by suddenly opening his driver's side door during a traffic stop. Captured on video driving over twice the speed limit and rolling through a STOP sign with a marked patrol car right behind him, Daniels didn't even receive a written warning for breaking the law.

After media sources requested copies of the dash cam footage, Daniels wrote about the incident several hours later on Twitter, "Warning for speeding. Good job PUPD for usual alertness. Note to self: Don't lv cell ph at home on nightstand when expecting an 8 AM call."
FBI data show assaults on police officers dropped sharply in 2014


By Radley Balko October 29
The FBI recently released its data on assaults on police officers in 2014. The good news is that reported assaults are down sharply. Unarmed and assaults with guns both dropped, while assaults with knives and edged weapons went up slightly. But overall, as this chart tweeted by University of South Carolina law professor Seth Stoughton shows, assaults on cops are at their lowest point since 1996 and have been dropping consistently since 2008

This is just the latest piece of data to undermine the whole “war on cops” narrative. When you counter the war rhetoric by pointing out that killings of police officers are also in decline, and that this year is on pace to be the second safest on record, law-and-order types argue that the drop in fatalities is just due to better body armor, weapons and the willingness of cops to use lethal force. But if assaults are in decline as well, it isn’t just about body armor. It means that people aren’t trying to attack the police nearly as often. And that’s a pretty hard phenomenon to square with any perceived “war on cops.”

Conveniently, the law-and-order crowd has a response to this, too. Enter the “Ferguson Effect.” This is the argument that because we’re seeing more criticism of police, videos of police brutality and prosecutions of cops for particularly egregious conduct (although the total number of such prosecutions is still a very tiny number), the police are refusing to do their jobs. If cops are unwilling to insert themselves into potentially dangerous situations, the argument goes, they’re less likely to be killed or assaulted. The evidence for this is the rising crime rates in some cities. (But that data too are far from conclusive.) It’s an incredibly cynical assertion, and frankly, one that holds police officers in rather low regard. Imagine if every time a bad journalist was fired, other journalists refused to write articles. Or if every time a soldier was court-martialed, other soldiers refused to fight. Or if every time a doctor was stripped of his licensed or sued for malpractice, other doctors refused to treat patients.

But note too how conveniently the “war on cops” and “Ferguson Effect” narratives bookend the debate. If killings of and assaults on police officers go up, they can claim that criticism of police has inspired a war on cops. If killings of and assaults on police officers go down, they’ll claim that criticism of police is making cops reluctant to do their jobs. Either way, the police come out the victims, and those who want to hold bad cops accountable are to blame.

We should celebrate these figures. They show that while criticism of bad cops and counterproductive police tactics may be increasing, that criticism has not resulted in an increase in violence against law enforcement officers. This is a healthy thing. But instead of embracing these numbers, people who call themselves police supporters seize on anecdotes to push false, unsupported narratives that make cops feel as if they’re constantly under fire, that every interaction with a citizen could be their last. That builds tension and animosity, and creates a confrontational “us vs. them” mind-set that’s not only poisonous to police-community relations but also can cause unnecessary escalation and violence. Why put armed officials on edge if there’s no reason to do so?

The job of policing is not only getting safer, but it’s also reaching historically safe levels. Spread the word.

Radley Balko blogs about criminal justice, the drug war and civil liberties for The Washington Post. He is the author of the book "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces."
Cop Admits to Posing as Woman to Give 60 Men Oral Sex Through a Hole... But There's More
By John Vibes

Chesterfield, MO – A Missouri police officer has recently been exposed as a sexual predator who terrorized his community, and this week he has pleaded guilty to the first of the charges against him. Although a recent investigation has revealed that former Chesterfield police officer David E. Cerna is connected with a number of different sex crimes, the first charges against him stem from a scam that he ran on craigslist where he pretended to be a woman and lured straight men to his home for anonymous oral sex.

On the website, the 34-year-old police officer would offer free oral sex and send them a picture of a woman that he claimed to be, but when the men arrived at his home, he said he would only perform the act anonymously, through a hole in the door. At least 60 straight men were coaxed into this situation and were recorded by Cerna, who later posted the videos on pornography websites. He was later charged with invasion of privacy for recording and publishing the sex acts and plead guilty this week.

However, the resulting investigation uncovered even more evidence of wrongdoing on the part of officer Cerna, including at least one circumstance where an underage boy was arrested and sexually assaulted on camera. The investigation also showed that Cerna had placed a spy camera in the bathroom of a local convenience store and posted those recordings on porn sites as well. It was suggested in some reports that the sites were actually owned by Cerna, meaning that he was profiting from them as well.

After the investigation was made public, Attorney Gonzalo Fernandez pointed out that there were likely many underage victims that were directly assaulted by Cerna while he was on active duty.

“In fact the contact would often be initiated by him performing some sort of traffic stop. Some of these people are minors… I know one of them was as young as 16,“ Fernandez said.

“David Cerna kind of took it upon himself to walk through various bedrooms of the house by himself, which at the time seemed strange to the family and now knowing what they do about his propensity for clandestine filming, you wonder,” he added.

The mother of the victims reportedly said, ‘It`s messed my son up horribly. He is paranoid all the time, thinking that someone is watching him, all the time. He won`t sleep alone. He thinks people are after him all the time.”

The investigation into the full extent of Cerna's crimes is still ongoing, and it is unclear exactly how much time he will be facing.
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Retired NYPD Cop Arrested for Pulling Penis Out at Woman, Pulling Gun Out on Man
Carlos Miller October 23, 2015Citizen Journalism, PINAC News, PINAC News Top 3, Police sex crimes, The Blue Line37 Comments 5,548 Views

A man who pulled out his penis and started stroking it in front of a woman on a New York City subway, then pulled a gun on a man who followed him while recording, telling the man to “turn around and mind your own fucking business,” turned out to be a retired NYPD cop.

Steven Esposito ended up arrested because the short video the man recorded was posted on several New York City news sites, urging readers to contact police if they recognized him.

Although Esposito admitted to pulling out his penis, he claims he was only peeing on the subway platform in Midtown, not masturbating.

So either way, we can refer to him as the Midtown Masturbator or Esposito the Exposer, depending on which story you believe.

The 56-year-old retired cop, who admitted to pulling out his gun on the man, was charged with misdemeanor public lewdness and menacing on Wednesday.

He was released without bail and is scheduled back in court on December 1, according toDNA Info.

Although New York City has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, Esposito is allowed to carry a gun after he obtained “good guy letter” from his former agency.

He is also probably collecting a pension, which means the NYPD cannot distance themselves from him as much as they would like.

And it’s not like it’s rare for a cop to be caught masturbating or exposing themselves in public.

Last month, a San Jose cop and a Boston cop were arrested for masturbating in public in coast-to-coast incidents.

And last year, a New Jersey cop named Benito Gonzalez was arrested for masturbating in a Starbucks, pleading guilty earlier this year to lewdness charges before he was allowed to retire.

And another New Jersey cop named Jason Miller was arrested earlier this year for pulling men over, walking up to their cars and placing his exposed genitals in their faces before letting them go without writing a ticket.

Miller accepted a misdemeanor plea deal that did not require him to register as a sex offender.

Also last year, a Los Angeles police officer named Ryan Eric Galliher was arrested after he was seen walking up to several victims, pulling down his pants and exposing himself.

Story continues below...

In the latest case out of New York City, Esposito is accused of hissing at a woman, prompting her to turn and look, which was when she saw him masturbating.

The 38-year-old woman began crying, drawing the attention of a 41-year-old man who asked her what was wrong.

When she told him, that man began chasing Esposito out of the subway station, pulling out his phone to record.

The eight-second video does not show Esposito pulling out a gun, but not only did he admit to it, it should have been captured on surveillance video.
That fuck gorman was getting hammered @ bourbon Street (bar) which is across the street from city limits... So the merionette park police see this turd driving like a maniac out of the parking lot and across the street back to Chicago city limits... The cop followed him and dude pulled over on 111th street ( ridiculously busy street with businesses everywhere) fires a few rounds at the cop following him... Then he drive 2 miles east on 111th street to the 22nd district ( where Gorman works) and the cover up starts.. They drove him home n let him sober up for 6 hours ..then do the breath test... This was all swept under the rug until the newspaper got wind of it...

Zero accountability on these mother fuxkers ..it makes me sick.
I just watched a 35 minute video on police wrongfully shooting people and not being charged. people were being shot because the police thought they had a weapon in their hand or they did not comply with the police and walked away from them. if you are not breaking a law you should not have to comply with a man in the uniform just because he tells you to. but these f****** disgusting pigs we're shooting people unrightfully and then arresting they're practically dead bodies jerking their arms and twisting them around so they were laying on their stomachs and putting handcuffs on somebody with a bullet through the head. one guy was a deaf guy walking down the street whittling a piece of wood with a pocket knife and officer saw him with the knife and stopped walked up behind him yelling at him to put down the knife but he was death and couldn't hear. so when he did not comply and put down the knife the officer open fire and killed the man. another instance a man was holding a water hose nozzle at a job site the officer walked up behind him he turned around wasn't warned that it was a cop or told to put his hands up or to put down whatever he had in his hands the cops just opened fire and killed the man. these pieces of s*** should be held completely accountable. if more so than civilians for shooting civilians because cops are trained to assess situations.