Random Jibber Jabber Thread

my uggs have been outside for over a week. i don't want to scrape the shit outta one of the soles, cos my friend nvr scoops and i had to unhook her dog from a birdbath.
3 big dogs, and I never have to pick up their shit:hump:
Having a big yard is killer.
Must have a half acre and a town that doesn't do inspections.

I think I might get a small trash can to put a bag in and a lid so I can just do it once or twice a week and then take the bag out for trash day.

It's just annoying. I wish I lived in the country and had a big yard.

Or no dogs. Having a baby makes my patience for animals very small. Too many animals in this house.
3 big dogs, and I never have to pick up their shit:hump:
Having a big yard is killer.

My dog has a doggie door and I buried an electric shock fence around about an acre perimeter when they were pups. Now she can come and go and she hasn't worn the collar since she was a pup. Her sister died of bone disease in June and I'm still sick missing her every day.

I'm high af is why I'm jabbering like a fucking chimp. lol
Must have a half acre and a town that doesn't do inspections.

I think I might get a small trash can to put a bag in and a lid so I can just do it once or twice a week and then take the bag out for trash day.

It's just annoying. I wish I lived in the country and had a big yard.

Or no dogs. Having a baby makes my patience for animals very small. Too many animals in this house.

Did hub get the job?
albert said some crazy shit

So Democrats blame whites and Christians for everything imaginable while Republicans blame blacks and Muslims. How the fuk did Asians slide by in this deal? Maybe the Libertarians or Green Party can pick up the slack a little here, huh?
The place is smelling like the grow tent and smoke.

With jazz playing in the background, it almost has a cafe atmosphere.

Need some coffee. A swanky redhead would work, too.
I fucking hate the neighbor behind us. Always starting verbal fights, calling the city on us about our dogs and looking into our yard. My other neighbor leaves his dogs out all night and they bark and they think it's my dogs.

I can't wait to tell him to suck a big fat one next time he tries to start something.

I sure as he'll ain't scooping poop every other day. Once a week. Motherfuckers. Next time I see them at my fence I am going to take a picture and be like "say cheese!"

Lol. Nah. I'm all talk.

Blue Green flames.

Take pinecone or strips of wood and apply glue. Coat in powder and put one or two in the fire. Lasts 5-10 min.

Says it adds romance to any bonfire. :hump:

Also can be found at some convenience stores and gas stations under the guise if mystical fire.