Another CXB3590 diy thread --- PPFD and passive cooling questions


Well-Known Member
Inspired by Captain Morgan's high efficiency 3x3 set up and everything Supra writes about high efficiency rigs. I'm hoping to do something similar. Priced out and sourced my CREEs. Top bin CXB3590s.

Couple questions. I cannot for the life of me calculate PPFD, the conversions keep throwing me. Im wondering if I could get any insight into PPFD and the size of heatsink I would need for passive cooling. I am also concerned about how soft to run the lights to avoid PPFD that is too high (targeting approx 900 PPFD)

Grow is a dedicated room. 6' x 7' x 7'
Planning on having a 5x5 canopy with walkways on for sides.

CXB3590 - CD - 36V - 3500k
HLG - 185H - C1050(A)
Ideal 50-2303CR

Planning on running 5 cxbs per heat sink. With one driver. Seems to be the correct ratio on cobs per the driver COB efficiency chart.

Planning on running 1 COB per square foot. 25 cobs. Space is limited. Funding is already budgeted.

Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the knowledge from everything I've read. Just trying to make sure I implement it correctly.


The Pope
Quick figures put your 25 CXB 3590 COB fixture over a 5 x 5 at 1050nm, 55% efficiency and .85 wall loss being a PPFD of 930.41. 10" of the 5.88" profile per COB (50" total minimum per 5 COB's) from Heatsinks USA will get you passively cooled. I'm no expert and I only ran Supra's numbers from the posts here. I'm looking forward to see your building and grow. I'm waiting on a few more parts to get my light together and I will post it as well... :)
Yea exactly. Probably a good idea in veg and early flower but if you can hit higher numbers when the buds are bulking up why not? Consider going with the B series and using a resistor on a switch between the dim wires. That way the adjustment is at the flick of a switch and you know exactly what you are dimming to without using a meter. That's what makes sense to me since I only care about veg/flower intensity, but a lot of people prefer pots. You could take measurements with a meter and mark them around the pot.
All parts are ordered...

70 CXB3590 CD 36v --- should arrive tomorrow

16 meanwell drivers should arrive Friday from

HLG - 185H - C1050B (10)
HLG - 60H - C700B (4)
HLG - 120H - C1050B (2)

Heatsinks from heatsink USA

200 lbs of heatsink for passive cooling....

Will post pictures as it comes in :)
Well everything has arrived so far. Heatsinks delivered this morning. COBs and drivers already at home.

Have an order for hitherm TIM from graftech made for the CXB3590. Saw it on @Growmau5 YouTube channel. Has anyone else used it before? @Growmau5 have you actually run any of your setups using the graftech TIM? How does it compare to artic silver?

Anyways I am on vacation into early 2016, should have photos of the whole process soon. Looking to have these beauties humming by the first week of January.

Any feedback on TIM would be greatly appreciated. Especially while I wait for the hitherm interface.


The pope
Also, was planning on using uncovered COBs, any reason to use reflectors/lenses when I have a COB centered on every square foot? Would it improve the mixing of my light? Is that really necessary given the refraction penalties to the PPFD?
I see some of the growers that have walkways using reflectors on the perimeter t not waste stray light not reflected by walls
All parts are ordered...

70 CXB3590 CD 36v --- should arrive tomorrow

16 meanwell drivers should arrive Friday from

HLG - 185H - C1050B (10)
HLG - 60H - C700B (4)
HLG - 120H - C1050B (2)

Heatsinks from heatsink USA

200 lbs of heatsink for passive cooling....

Will post pictures as it comes in :)
Wow! Don't leave us hanging, how's it going?
Drill press and new new taps arrive Wednesday 1/6/16. Should have a couple of smaller rigs built if not all of it by 1/10.

1 - 3x3 - 9 CXB3590 - 3 MW drivers flower

1 3x3 - 8 CXB3590 - 2 MW drivers flower

2 sets 5x5 - 25 CXB3590 - 5 MW drivers flower

1 2x4 - 3 CXB3590 - 1 MW drivers veg

Hopefully all finished by 1/10/15. Will start a new thread with photos for the build/first run.

Will keep y'all posted.