Donald Trump

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Look online, you`ll find the Zumwalt orders went from 32 to 20 to 3. one is now complete and is being advertised as the deadliest ship on the seas today on news sites. I know better. So why are the reporting that ? to justify what they done.

There's actually a logical reason. The Zumwalt is expected to carry rail guns which are still being developed. If you had to retrofit 32 ships to carry them it would make it insanely expensive. They're starting off with 3 with the expectation of making many more once a lot more things are figured out.
There's actually a logical reason. The Zumwalt is expected to carry rail guns which are still being developed. If you had to retrofit 32 ships to carry them it would make it insanely expensive. They're starting off with 3 with the expectation of making many more once a lot more things are figured out.

The program was cancelled in 2010 I believe. There will be only three. maybe. The Rail Gun is impressive, no armor on the 3" Hull is ridiculous. The ship has the best fire control ever, best radars ever, and top of the line propulsion,..

The problem is the Hull, and crew are not designed to take hits. It was a R&D money grab.
Why do you think there can be no adaquate oversight ?

With non refundable payments ? Bidding will be selective....Climate Change is the new way to do it all over again.

I don`t care what the label it as. The R&D can wait till pollution control is done first. IMO.
The program was cancelled in 2010 I believe. There will be only three. maybe. The Rail Gun is impressive, no armor on the 3" Hull is ridiculous. The ship has the best fire control ever, best radars ever, and top of the line propulsion,..

The problem is the Hull, and crew are not designed to take hits. It was a R&D money grab.

I thought one of the funnier things about the Zumwalt is that everyone is getting a hard on over the BrahMos supersonic anti-ship missile and how that's the demise of the US Navy. The Zumwalt has 80 VLS tubes, and in those they can 4 pack anti-air, anti-missile missiles that are capable of intercepting supersonic missiles and aircraft that can maneuver.
I thought one of the funnier things about the Zumwalt is that everyone is getting a hard on over the BrahMos supersonic anti-ship missile and how that's the demise of the US Navy. The Zumwalt has 80 VLS tubes, and in those they can 4 pack anti-air, anti-missile missiles that are capable of intercepting supersonic missiles and aircraft that can maneuver.

That is true, plus storm guns and escorting Burkes.

The best play for a direct fire gunship, is armor, lots of it, where this ship would go, there is nothing to hide behind or solid ground under their feet, you must bring everything you need with you, armor provides cover in the open.

Zumwalt falls far short in survivability. and it`s the BB replacement.

BrahMos is not an armor piercing round. Nobody`s ever claimed it was because it can`t pierce armor. Decap maybe, not the citadel.
From what I've seen, the most effective way to go through body armor, is with the Stryker 380. Unlike Daryl Dixon, I can promise you the arrow will fly right through the other side of someone's head.
I thought Obama was the divisive one in our allies eyes around the world, and somehow Trump is the uniter...yea ok!

Oh please let the Republican idiots nominate Trump for Pres.



I get a kick out of everytime folks on the right rolll out a picture of Ronald Reagan or praise him as if he were the lord himself, and act as if they knew what he was like, he was no better than fucking Nixon! He was imo a fucking traitor who should have been in prison for selling arms to Iran, our #1 enemy at that time. Only 1 man ( John Poindexter ) went to prison and guess who pardoned him, Ronnies VP, papi Bush.

Go ahead praise that piece of shit all you want.

If the "Donald" (?) gets elected as president, he will be assasinated. Somebody with common sense will save this country from doom.
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