Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning RIU !!!


I know I haven't been around much but it's been a rough week. I've got some stomach bug that refuses to leave me be and a bitch in heat to contend with. It's tough playing cockblocker between a shepherd and a blue heeler! :lol:

I need a vacay y'all!! who wants to sponsor me? hahahaa just jokin, we're going to Costa Rica in 2016. It's gonna be a blast, I can't wait. We're seriously considering relocating there someday.

Wouldn't that be nice?



Well-Known Member
Hope you feel better rosey! Funny I've been waking up sick to my stomach the last few days.

Costa rica is beautiful.
Thanks bro, preciate it :) tummy is on the mend but now I've this backache and just feel generally icky. Don't know wtf I got, just wish it would leave me be already!

It is gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing it in person, you know pics don't do justice half the time. A friend of his did a video there at one of the waterfalls after a hike, if I can find it, I'll post it later. I've gotta ask Cat what the vid is titled again..its also posted here on RIU somewhere..lol

wanna new brain wrinkle? The cost of living there is amazing, way cheaper to live there than here! groceries alone, nearly 30% cheaper, rent 60% cheaper. One "dollar" here is worth 531 "colons" there. Yeah. I'd say that's much better :)


Well-Known Member
Did I mention the natives are super polite and friendly, would rather die than offend you. Definitely my kind of place!

The only real problem (which in and of itself isn't a 'real' problem..lol) you have to grow pot indoors. The climate is too humid for weed plants, they end up molding before they finish flowering. Nothing worse than moldy weed ;)


Well-Known Member
For that back ache try a long hot bubble bath 1.45L of vodka and some vicodin (maybe a soma or2) or just force cat to remedy that situation
Hehe. Ya it is beautiful. I'm wanting to relocate for a while. Got a few ideas, I'd move to Australia in a min but all thiscourt drama.

Trying to plan a trip there. A few aussies off here I would love to go throw a drunken Temper tantrum infront of.


Well-Known Member
Did I mention the natives are super polite and friendly, would rather die than offend you. Definitely my kind of place!

The only real problem (which in and of itself isn't a 'real' problem..lol) you have to grow pot indoors. The climate is too humid for weed plants, they end up molding before they finish flowering. Nothing worse than moldy weed ;)
Ugh bud rot hit me this year again! Quite bs.


Well-Known Member
For that back ache try a long hot bubble bath 1.45L of vodka and some vicodin (maybe a soma or2) or just force cat to remedy that situation
Hehe. Ya it is beautiful. I'm wanting to relocate for a while. Got a few ideas, I'd move to Australia in a min but all thiscourt drama.

Trying to plan a trip there. A few aussies off here I would love to go throw a drunken Temper tantrum infront of.
You know, I think you may be on to something there..a nice long soak in the tub may be just what the doc ordered. I might just do that. Thanks!

Hahahaa on forcing Cat to do anything! lol! All's I have to do is ask though, he will. He takes very good care of me ;)

You're a hot damn mess brother with your drunken tantrums! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ugh bud rot hit me this year again! Quite bs.
that sucks. Yeah, bud rot is inevitable there. I got no problem keeping it inside, makes life a little more complicated sure, but you have so much more control over things than you do outdoors as far as conditions, bugs, predators go.

We're going hydro come spring, he's gonna teach me everything he knows (which is plenty!) I'm really looking forward to that.


Well-Known Member
You know, I think you may be on to something there..a nice long soak in the tub may be just what the doc ordered. I might just do that. Thanks!

Hahahaa on forcing Cat to do anything! lol! All's I have to do is ask though, he will. He takes very good care of me ;)

You're a hot damn mess brother with your drunken tantrums! :lol:
Cats a good one! Im thinking of a hot bath later and taking a box of wine in qith me.

Oh man, big beer tasting on saturday with people. I have been warned " don't be an asshole and get really drunk and you are paying for the uber ride home"

Me:" you don't trust me to be an upatanding citizen?" *laughs maniacally*


Well-Known Member
that sucks. Yeah, bud rot is inevitable there. I got no problem keeping it inside, makes life a little more complicated sure, but you have so much more control over things than you do outdoors as far as conditions, bugs, predators go.

We're going hydro come spring, he's gonna teach me everything he knows (which is plenty!) I'm really looking forward to that.
Bud rot is a bitch here. Seema the weather held out and was great but hitting freezing temps then getting humid again just never works with how dense the buds were getting. Thw sour jack we did managed to go 21 days longer. Probably could have gonw thw last few days but whatever.


Well-Known Member
Cats a good one! Im thinking of a hot bath later and taking a box of wine in qith me.

Oh man, big beer tasting on saturday with people. I have been warned " don't be an asshole and get really drunk and you are paying for the uber ride home"

Me:" you don't trust me to be an upatanding citizen?" *laughs maniacally*
That he is, for sure: )

U gonna take that advice? Sounds like fun times! and man..you're a trip!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Of course! That advice is great. I'm actuallu not bad im public places but last time we went, he kept telling me wtf you drinking vodka for you aint coming with me all drunm and shit. I ended up cracking yhe bottle and downing a third before hopping in and sayig lets vrooom vrooom.

If you ever have a backyard get together invite me please. I bring the lulz, just if i keep going to thw washroom every 20 min with 4 other people you know something is up!


Well-Known Member
Of course! That advice is great. I'm actuallu not bad im public places but last time we went, he kept telling me wtf you drinking vodka for you aint coming with me all drunm and shit. I ended up cracking yhe bottle and downing a third before hopping in and sayig lets vrooom vrooom.

If you ever have a backyard get together invite me please. I bring the lulz, just if i keep going to thw washroom every 20 min with 4 other people you know something is up!
Long as you don't get the police called and no needles are involved, we're cool! :mrgreen:

Also trivia is a skill that has been mastered through dimly lit bar rooms on thursday nights.
not sure what that means exactly..but okay! :D


Well-Known Member
:::::::::slides in to smoke a bowl with my Rosey! :joint:bongsmilie:leaf:

Girl, I hope your holiday season is all festive and merry for you! May Santa bring you everything you wish for sweet pea :joint:

Here's you a sweet song to chill and toke to :joint::joint:

I love the Greyhounds <3



Well-Known Member
:::::::::slides in to smoke a bowl with my Rosey! :joint:bongsmilie:leaf:

Girl, I hope your holiday season is all festive and merry for you! May Santa bring you everything you wish for sweet pea :joint:

Here's you a sweet song to chill and toke to :joint::joint:

I love the Greyhounds <3

Hiya girlfriend!!!! :bigjoint: :hug:

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas too!!! I'll be happy to just spend the day with my sweetie pie, first Christmas away from my fam back in GA. All I want for Christmas is some love, sweet love!! :D

Good song! Never heard of the Greyhounds before but I really like their style :)