2015 Harvest Celebration BBQ Dec 12-13th

After yesterday at work I almost cancelled. Things are under control now and everybody has finally accepted that they will be required to wait until after the holidays to get their projects finished. Today was much better. Mrs Mo is still on the fence. I need to go help her down. Ba dump dump!


Should I chop the Purple Haze?

Should I press this Frenchy style or just bring it as it is?

I am pressing some frenchy style tomorrow and will make a bunch of rosin Thursday to bring too. Cookies are already ready to go:)
hey guys, i dn. :-) t know if u remember me i was at last yrs bbq not the dec one tho, im really contemplating commin out again this round, unfortunately it kinda falls on a messed up yr, moved into my new place had to set up my grow from scratch so i really dnt have too much to offer the bbq, but if i decide to come out will that be still cool? lol i feel like a loser, i got seeds to trade, some in breeders some not but anyways, if its cool with u guys i might just re think commin out this yr,

fumbles, ive been waiting for some of ur medibles for a loooooong time now:)
man i really really wanna come
Come on out no need to feel bad. Ill def have some edibles for you