Grow room economics


Active Member
This might provoke an answer from a veteran that smacks of, 'no shit, welcome to reality" but I'm suprised at the startup costs to get a real grow working.

My first plan was 6 plants using a switchable 400w light on a timer, with exhaust fans, intake fans on timers and also a temp/humidity fan. On top of this, I would build a hydroponic bucket system which might seem low in cost except for the pump and timer for the pump.

1 fluoro light - $50
HID light - $400
1 HID light fan $150
1 HID light timer $150
2 bulbs - $??
light timer - $150
4 fans (2 intake, 2 exhaust) - $600
4 fan timers $600
1 pump $60
1 pump timer $150
hydro parts $60

This fun experiment is now over $2370. Holy shit. Of this $2370, I'm spending $1260 on venting which could handle more capacity I imagine.

If I'm going to do this, why wouldnt I make out the volume I can put under my HID light and go from 6 plants to I-dont-really-know 9?

If I run a 2nd HID light for growing and use the 1st for flowering and then my production doubles? My costs grow by another light, fan and timer $700 for a total of $3070.

A couple sidepoints I have is that my grow room will be in my basement which has a high humidity problem anyhow. I need to start venting it regardless of whether I'm growing in it or not. I also live in a cold region and the heat from the lights would provide some heat to the house also. I'm rationalizing...

I got excited about this idea at first and now I'm having cold feet setting up this whole operation and would like some feedback.

1) Am I going too big to start out and should I go smaller?
2) How long would it take an average grower to recoup these costs starting from zero?

Finally, this is a great resource. I've learned alot about growing and have bought a few books on the subject and I'm lucky to have found this place.



Well-Known Member
You sure seem to need a lot of those $150 timers.

You could probably hire a teenager to turn shit on and off for less than you're spending there.

Take a look at some of the complete systems from some of the online hydro shops and save yourself a ton of green would be my advice.


Well-Known Member
Get a dehumidifier, run the duct from your light cooling fan into your living area,I do this in winter.


Active Member
I put in bold where you paid too much

1 fluoro light - $50 (specs?)
HID light - $400
1 HID light fan $150
1 HID light timer $150

2 bulbs - $??
light timer - $150
4 fans (2 intake, 2 exhaust) - $600
4 fan timers $600
1 pump $60 (specs?)
1 pump timer $150
hydro parts $60 ($150/timer @ 7x but 'hydro parts' were only $60)
