Picture of your pet thread !!!

Yeah cropping the ears without a reason to do it is pretty cruel. Good looking dog though.

They did the research that suggested those dogs could develop hearing problems without cropping. Regardless, I saw that pup in misery every time it's poor ears banged on something. Like watching your child in pain and not being able to help.
They did the research that suggested those dogs could develop hearing problems without cropping. Regardless, I saw that pup in misery every time it's poor ears banged on something. Like watching your child in pain and not being able to help.
That info isn't correct. The reason cropping started was for things like hinting so their tails and ears didn't get caught on things. Virtually no dog at this point in time has any health reason for cropping ears or tails.

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Psycho dog, she just got into a fight with the shitzu and destroyed its eye, dogs now blind in one eye it was a blood bath her tooth actually punctured the eyeball, so far cost me 1400 in vet billsView attachment 3547976
My moms shih Tzu had its eye pop out, no idea what happened. He was walking around the woods, maybe attacked. I brought him to the vet, talked to mom on the phone about the surgery cost, she kind of got cranky, said something like well might as well put him down for that cost. (she would never, just in a mood)
I came back to the vet told her, "well it looks like we might have to put him down." (he was perfectly healthy, didn't even care his eye was hanging down a couple inches, wagging his tail) The vet she right away dropped the price in half, (from around $500)
Paid $200 for her to cut it off, sow him up. Still alive today at 12 years old, coolest one eyed shitty you'll ever meet. 1400$ sounds like they charged you up the ass. Easy procedure. Next time your dog loses an eye play the "better put him down" card on them to lower your price.
my pal hanging around with me at the camp.

dam dog got it made.
i killed 2 wood ducks there the next morning, i had to get in the water to get them. my dog is half lab/pit mix, you would think he likes the water. but he never goes in past where he cant touch bottom. View attachment 3559687
lmao would be a funny picture you swimming out, with dog watching