Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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I just really want that experience man. I've exceeded 1000ug's and was still able to hold a conversation. Not a very long one mind you, but a conversation none the less. Always being one to push the limits I just have a burning desire to know what the print feels like.
I just really want that experience man. I've exceeded 1000ug's and was still able to hold a conversation. Not a very long one mind you, but a conversation none the less. Always being one to push the limits I just have a burning desire to know what the print feels like.
just eat 10+ grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms and You will get a similar experience
The exact same thing because that's what happened lol I was at my buddies house and they forgot how to work the TV so we just sat in semidarkeness and I just watched them and didn't move lol the normal shroomfreeze and nice colors
I think now though I would have a more enlightening trip, I'm older (by two years lol), wiser, and my focus is on point now. Like I want to learn, I want to experience joy and share that experience and hopefully have other people join me
just eat 10+ grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms and You will get a similar experience
Idk if it's because I'm part Native American or if it's just my body composition but psilocybin sends me straight to space. It doesn't last long but even on just an 8th of shrooms the whole world will melt down around me for about two hours and then it's gone. It's a very strange experience every time. Short but incredibly intense. Last time I had them, I had a large quantity of kohsumias (sp?) and feed them to a bunch of my friends they fried for hours and after a couple I was back to sobriety just laughing at them dancing around the fire, spinning staffs while I spun poi to keep the ones that weren't entertained.
I feel the same way. I don't think its an ethnic thing (I'm 100% native to El Salvador. Think about it for a sec. Who was major in el Salvador? Aztecs and mayas) tho. Its weird to me that others can get blasted so far (I sold 3.5 g total to 3 people and they tripped balls) and I can eat so much and not feel like I'm as high as they are. I've been told 1g shros about equals 100mics LSD, but not to me for some reason. I think it may be because I have a closed mind, which I have started to learn to keep open (and within the last 6 months my trips have gotten more intense (open mindedness?) To the point of 3 hits LSD 0.10 g dmt and 1.5 g shrooms have me seeing other entities. Maybe they are there all the time. I've spoken to the same one twice. Or maybe three times. But I get the vibe from him that he is always there at any point in time. He is interested in what I do, not because he cares tho. Its hard to explain but fuck it, you know exactly what I mean. It's like he is a scientist and I'm just the middle part of his equation. But he wants me to see that without me, the end of the equation is not possible. Like I matter a whole lot. But I also don't matter for shit. But now that I'm more open to his voice I feel that he is with me everywhere and all I have to do is ask with my heart and not my voice, if that makes sense.
Making it is actually relatively easy from what I understand. It's getting the precursors that would be a bitch seeing as an attempt to acquire any of the three necessary would land you in prison for the remainder of your life for conspiracy to manufacture LSD.

The point is that if you have all the precursors, it isnt all THAT hard, someone with a firm background might do it, but the farther down you have to go, making precursors, or precursors to those, gets tough.

I think you have to work in an inert gas and darkness as well.

And you need equipment, not just shot glasses and bowls.
The point is that if you have all the precursors, it isnt all THAT hard, someone with a firm background might do it, but the farther down you have to go, making precursors, or precursors to those, gets tough.

I think you have to work in an inert gas and darkness as well.

And you need equipment, not just shot glasses and bowls.
Right and that's what I really didn't want to delve into was the necessity to synthesize the precursors to make it. It's what leaves it to real chemists to make the crystal to be passed on to the heads who lay the sheets and spread the love. It's a line of work, admittedly, given the opportunity I would settle myself into with the determination and desire befitting any one of us that truly believes it's more than a drug it's the savior of all mankind.
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I'm just thinking if I end up with the space and ability to do something, why not? And if it works out, I'll be able to do something good
Right and that's what I really didn't want to delve into was the necessity to synthesize the precursors to make it. It's what leaves it to real chemists to make the crystal to be passed on to the heads who lay the sheets and spread the love. It's a line of work, admittedly, given the opportunity I would settle myself into with the determination and desire befitting any one of us that truly believes it's more than a drug it's the savior of all mankind.
then what'r You doing here in an online forum?!?! LOL <3
That moment when you hit up 4 people you don't get acid from(but they always say they got good acid) and no one hits you up and you're about to cry yourself to sleep and then your original FAM hits you up and says I'll drive you around tomorrow and get the usual

White on white blotter paper 5 hits going right in my mouth tomorrow
I've always wanted to learn how to make it. I asked around online just to see if there way a way that one could do it, someone told me it would be impossible to do and that was dumb etc, but if there is a will to learn and spread the word then I'm sure it will find a way when I am ready.
I wish I could get everyone to take at least 100 mics just to experience life for what it really is and hopefully they would end up seeking more
Making it is actually relatively easy from what I understand. It's getting the precursors that would be a bitch seeing as an attempt to acquire any of the three necessary would land you in prison for the remainder of your life for conspiracy to manufacture LSD.
Erowid... Real Chem Classes and equipment... Tread very lightly I sign petitions all the time that 420 sends my way for people serving life for conspiracy
Haha in one year from this date I will be making my own LSD. I wanna make that promise to the universe, I've got literally every atom of my existence working for that, I had a super long conversation with someone on a slightly different matter, and it was like "I can do this"
Yeah of course errowid... And lots of other places. I will slowly be buying the proper equipment, no cutting corners, and by November/December, at the latest, if I've got my intentions and my mind set it the right place. This. Will. Happen. I'll at least have everything there. Ready to teach me everything. And of course research research research. Knowing the right people, I'd like to have someone, that trusts me fully and I trust them fully, to be able to guide me, and I know my intentions are good and that I will help to manifest this into my life
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