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I love how the Cock Den was full of women posting too :grin: That's how bad we are, we over flow into the guy's thread and take over there too! Muahahahaha
Theres a cock den....shiiiittttt im in the wrong mutherfuckin place....wait a second...????? i dont want to be stuck in a cockfeast.....i mean fest....
what's with all the faces??

Lacy figures if she doesn't type text she can't get herself into trouble :wink:

I dunno, those smilies can be awfully insinuating :hump:

Are you a chick? Did you just post here? Obviously not just for chicks then, is it? :razz:

I love how the Cock Den was full of women posting too :grin: That's how bad we are, we over flow into the guy's thread and take over there too! Muahahahaha

Theres a cock den....shiiiittttt im in the wrong mutherfuckin place....wait a second...????? i dont want to be stuck in a cockfeast.....i mean fest....

cockfeast? :shock: the mental image that conjured was SCARY

your telling me ????? hey were did all the chicks go...????? wait this is a cockfeast....

The only cock here is you, and I don't think that qualifies as a FEAST :roll:

*sigh* No offense Lacy, but your posts are irritating me. It's like you're letting me know you're here, but you won't talk to me. It's even worse than the others. At least they're not talking to me cuz they're not here. You're here but still won't talk to me.

You don't love me anymore! :cry:

EDIT: ok, except for in that rep, you talked to me there, and thank you for that :hug:
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