San Bernardino

My friend, Salim, said when 9/11 happened he and his community were so scared here in America, many were seeking to go to Europe.

Civil liberties? This is a country that allows those with money to do ANYTHING.
Which brings to mind my thread on the guy at my apartment who takes apart rental cars in the middle of the night..then I saw a rifle with heavy duty sights he was wrestling with in the trunk and you guys told me to MYOB.

For the record..I'm liberal.
I think any confusion around your political ideology is related to the Tea Party looking banner you run. Why not put Bernie down there?
My friend, Salim, said when 9/11 happened he and his community were so scared here in America, many were seeking to go to Europe.

Civil liberties? This is a country that allows those with money to do ANYTHING.
A muslim friend of mine had similar fears. Stuck in another city from the airline shutdown following 9/11 he found a caucasian friend to drive him 1500 miles home while he stayed hidden in the car, afraid of reprisal. Thankfully no issues but it shocked me a little to see his concerns, which I see as valid.
1. Bullshit. You made this up.......

2. The only right a criminal has is the right to be shot and killed. It's their choice and the risk they take.

Perhaps you need to listen to this. This is how Texans would act defending their property and a neighbor's. "I'm not going to let them go, I'm not going to let them get away with this shit."

Joe Horn was cleared of all charges.

No, I didn't make it up. It was a local case 10 years ago. Don't think that it's OK to shoot someone. Believe me, you'll be answering to cops and lawyers who will decide if it's justified. We all signed petitions in favor of the shooter in this case. Didn't fucking matter.
I think any confusion around your political ideology is related to the Tea Party looking banner you run. Why not put Bernie down there?

Why does that banner bugeye you?


'Patriot' was invented long before 'tea party'..jelly much?

Bernie is my rose of socialism is representative of same.

We are no longer allowed large sigs.
Better buy while you can then.:grin:

The O-man has been a boon to the gun industry. Every time he gets on one of his silly rants buying activity spikes and gradually tapers off till the next round. A couple of years ago there were lines at Portland stores just to get in the door. Reloading crap also became scarce. Certain propellants are still hard to get on a reliable bases. The media makes it sound like the last nut who whacked those people had an arsenal ... ignorant.
So you're saying people shouldn't have the right to protect themselves?

Glad I live in a state that has the castle doctrine.

Attempt to rob someone here and you can legally be shot dead, dead men can't sue.

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NO. I'm saying if you shoot someone, the outcome May Not work in your favor...
You could be sued, you could lose or have to settle with cash. It's NOT/NEVER a cut and dry case...if you're a civilian.
Why does that banner bugeye you?


'Patriot' was invented long before 'tea party'..jelly much?

Bernie is my rose of socialism is representative of same.

We are no longer allowed large sigs.
ha ha, I have no problems and wish you luck reclaiming the image, just giving my 2 cents. Not sure first claim matters, think of the rainbow. I like rainbows but if I want to fly a flag with a rainbow on it, people might jump to inaccurate conclusions on my sexuality. So it goes.
The suicide rate due to drug over dose is double that.
Besides, that's a personal choice. Your body you get to decide what you want to do with it.
I was just showing that the majority if gun deaths in the country are suicides. The gun homicide is 11,000 and only 240 of those were done with rifles.
My friend, Salim, said when 9/11 happened he and his community were so scared here in America, many were seeking to go to Europe.

Civil liberties? This is a country that allows those with money to do ANYTHING.
My father in law is from iraq. His son and daughter are half arab and half Mexican.
A muslim friend of mine had similar fears. Stuck in another city from the airline shutdown following 9/11 he found a caucasian friend to drive him 1500 miles home while he stayed hidden in the car, afraid of reprisal. Thankfully no issues but it shocked me a little to see his concerns, which I see as valid.
People don't handle fear well. The two extremes are get rid of Muslims or get rid of guns.

Neither solve the problem.
So, what, Australia doesn't have crazy people? Europe doesn't have crazy people..?

All the crazy people are in America?
I think Living in the USA has and will drive you insane 70% of Americans hate their jobs or have “checked out” of them. Life may or may not suck any more than it did a generation ago, but our belief in “progress” has increased expectations that life should be more satisfying, resulting in mass disappointment. For many of us, society has become increasingly alienating, isolating and insane, and earning a buck means more degrees, compliance, ass-kissing, shit-eating, and inauthenticity. So, we want to rebel. However, many of us feel hopeless about the possibility of either our own escape from societal oppression or that political activism can create societal change. So, many of us, especially young Americans, rebel by what is commonly called mental illness.
With 46 percent of Americans meeting the Criteria of some type of mental illness ??? it surely does not take a elementary student to figure out what the real cause of all the mass shootings are caused by
While historically some Americans have consciously faked mental illness to rebel from oppressive societal demands (e.g., a young Malcolm X acted crazy to successfully avoid military service), today, the vast majority of Americans who are diagnosed and treated for mental illness are in no way proud malingerers in the fashion of Malcolm X. Many of us, sadly, are ashamed of our inefficiency and nonproductivity and desperately try to fit in. However, try as we might to pay attention, adapt, adjust, and comply with our alienating jobs, boring schools, and sterile society, our humanity gets in the way, and we become anxious, depressed and dysfunctional.