Changing opinion on Global Warming

Your avatar says everything about you bud. Good luck in life and I hope you find some confidence and self love and learn how to defend your self before shit hits the fan because as it stands your the type who will be bent over and take it like a good bitch. I pity you.

God bless you bud.

Your tiny penis is so tiny. But not nearly as tiny as your brain. Now go be a good little bitch and make me a sandwich.
Sigh....Obviously you still have not read what he What is wrong with you people. The research is in the essay. Jesus fucking Christ..................

Read it. Cite a few things from it before you open your fingers to type another ignorant response dude.

No. No the research is not in the essay. This random blog post is a collection of data points taken out of context along with a bunch of junk text to fill a page in order to get a higher google search ranking.

You've got to be kidding me that you think this blog post is concrete evidence but NASA and everyone else are just fools.

You are about as dumb as one can get.
Sigh....Obviously you still have not read what he What is wrong with you people. The research is in the essay. Jesus fucking Christ..................

Read it. Cite a few things from it before you open your fingers to type another ignorant response dude.
"This chart of data obtained from Ice Cores collected near the South Pole displays the longest known record of the climate of Earth. It goes back 400,000 years."

-Wrong. We have ice core data that goes back 800,000 years;

"Clearly the civilized activities of mankind including the burning of fossil fuels had nothing to do with these historic changes, large and small."

-True, there are natural variations of the climate, but the current warming trend is not natural - this is not debatable, we are absolutely positive - look at the graph Coleman himself provides, it takes tens of thousands of years for the climate to change naturally:


Now look at the rate of change that has taken place over the past 135 years:


That cannot, and never has happened naturally

"Look at the tiny, little warm period on the extreme right hand side of the chart. It is during this period that our civilization began to make extensive use of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, electrical generation and to power internal combustion and eventually jet engines. Please note that this current warm spell looks no different than the others during the last 11,000 years."


-Wrong. The rate of average temperature change over past climate change events took place over thousands of years, the current warming trend, again, has reached what took the Earth thousands of years to do in just 135 years. Coleman is discounting the rate of increase in temperature

"The Medieval Optimum was the period in which the nations of Europe grew and prospered and many of the great European cities were founded and flourished."

-This, among other earlier claims that mirror the same sentiment, is irrelevant. Causation =/= correlation

"There is nothing exceptional about the current warm period."

-Wrong. The rate of average temperature change is exceptional

"This chart is used these days by climate alarmist to show the warming and increase in carbon dioxide in the age of fossil fuels. When you haven’t seen the previous charts, this one looks rather ominous. However, when it is put in perspective by the previous charts, it does not constitute a dramatic departure from the natural pattern at all."


-Really John? Let's take a look...


That looks like it does constitute a pretty dramatic departure from the natural pattern to me.. I mean, neither of us are climate scientists, so what do I know, right?

"First of all, the warming from 1880 to today is less than 1.5 degrees, hardly dramatic and very much in keeping with the gradual warming pattern since the end of the last Ice Age."

-Wrong. You're forgetting about the rate of temp change again, John... No natural known process can change the average temperature of the Earth in that short amount of time

"There has been no warming for over 18 years. "

-Completely wrong. 2000-2010 was the hottest decade on record & 2014 was the hottest year on record;

I have a feeling it'll continue like this throughout Mr. Coleman's whole essay... So instead of wasting more time debunking his claims, I'll let one of the comments on the page speak for itself;

"Wow. You certainly have people convinced. It’s unfortunate that you don’t have any credentials to legitimize your pontifications. You are no more qualified to discuss global warming than a runway model is qualified to give a lecture on anatomy and physiology. You reported the weather, without even having a degree in meteorology, and that makes you an expert in what exactly? You have no expertise in weather, climate change, scientific study, data interpretation or really anything. Your financial success appears to have given you an overinflated sense of ego and importance. You are simply not qualified to lead, or even to make a meaningful contribution, to climate change discussion. I am a fan of a healthy dose of skepticism but you appear to have either your own agenda or are content with extreme ignorance. You mention carbon tax and the pitiful subsidies available for solar and wind initiatives as reasons for this bamboozling known as global warming yet you make no mention of the extreme investment that big corporations have in creating skepticism for global warming. The government still gives oil subsidies, which is a ridiculous and appalling fact but that isn’t mentioned in your blog. Scientists are manufacturing skewed data to justify their research dollars but big fossil fuel companies have no investment in continuing the status quo and nurturing our fossil fuel dependency? Really? Your position is seriously flawed and it is unfortunate that uneducated people or people who lack the scientific foundation to recognize your shortcomings, or people who lack critical thinking skills will all buy into your misguided interpretations of reality. There is absolutely no reason to not initiate changes in our energy platform except that the elite rich who benefit from our current state of fuel consumerism stand to lose. If you want to make contributions to the climate change discussion maybe you should go earn a legitimate degree and present some research that is meaningful and upholds the rigor of scientific process. Anyone can just run their mouth and sound informed and intelligent; it is irresponsible for you to do so especially without the benefit of any genuine expertise. Go home and please be quiet.
No. No the research is not in the essay. This random blog post is a collection of data points taken out of context along with a bunch of junk text to fill a page in order to get a higher google search ranking.

You've got to be kidding me that you think this blog post is concrete evidence but NASA and everyone else are just fools.

You are about as dumb as one can get.

Im not saying NASA and everyone else are just fools. I am saying they are bought and paid for. It is well known that they have edited and skewed data to fit their agenda. NOAA edited graphs for the Paris conference they are in now.

No I don't need to get into a pissing contest with you because I don't care what an insecure lil child such as your self thinks about me. I love who I am and am very happy with my life. You on the other hand, with every post you make essentially scream how insecure and miserable you are. It is laughable and anyone who is confident and loves life can easily see it. You demean someone in every post you make to attempt to make your self look better. You constantly talk about dick sizes which 100% means you have a small dick and are pissed off about it lol. You are a small, pathetic lil boy who was bullied your whole life and so you hide behind a keyboard and monitor and attack people on forums because you are a weak passive aggressive non contributing brainless zombie.

By the way, your best buddies NASA released data showing the ice is INCREASING, not disappearing. One of the key "evidences" that has been used to support "Global Warming" Also, the average temperature in Europe was much higher in the dark ages than it is now. Those are facts M8.

Graphene is the future of energy.

Again, I pity you and wish you the best in life. I hope you find confidence and learn to live and love.

God Bless you
.... I have well over 10,000 rounds of ammo.

Notice how the media is playing up a few hundred rounds as an arsenal?

Reminds me of the time years ago, I was plink'n in the national forest in Cali and as I was walking out came across this dim wit broad who starts running and yelling "he's got an assault weapon".

Unfortunately, these events just generate all kinds of paranoia. Especially from the loons.

What I don't like is this "see something say something" ---- there's just too many fucking idiots that have no idea what they're looking at ... I think I'll walk out side and blast a few.
"This chart of data obtained from Ice Cores collected near the South Pole displays the longest known record of the climate of Earth. It goes back 400,000 years."

-Wrong. We have ice core data that goes back 800,000 years;

"Clearly the civilized activities of mankind including the burning of fossil fuels had nothing to do with these historic changes, large and small."

-True, there are natural variations of the climate, but the current warming trend is not natural - this is not debatable, we are absolutely positive - look at the graph Coleman himself provides, it takes tens of thousands of years for the climate to change naturally:


Now look at the rate of change that has taken place over the past 135 years:


That cannot, and never has happened naturally

"Look at the tiny, little warm period on the extreme right hand side of the chart. It is during this period that our civilization began to make extensive use of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, electrical generation and to power internal combustion and eventually jet engines. Please note that this current warm spell looks no different than the others during the last 11,000 years."


-Wrong. The rate of average temperature change over past climate change events took place over thousands of years, the current warming trend, again, has reached what took the Earth thousands of years to do in just 135 years. Coleman is discounting the rate of increase in temperature

"The Medieval Optimum was the period in which the nations of Europe grew and prospered and many of the great European cities were founded and flourished."

-This, among other earlier claims that mirror the same sentiment, is irrelevant. Causation =/= correlation

"There is nothing exceptional about the current warm period."

-Wrong. The rate of average temperature change is exceptional

"This chart is used these days by climate alarmist to show the warming and increase in carbon dioxide in the age of fossil fuels. When you haven’t seen the previous charts, this one looks rather ominous. However, when it is put in perspective by the previous charts, it does not constitute a dramatic departure from the natural pattern at all."


-Really John? Let's take a look...


That looks like it does constitute a pretty dramatic departure from the natural pattern to me.. I mean, neither of us are climate scientists, so what do I know, right?

"First of all, the warming from 1880 to today is less than 1.5 degrees, hardly dramatic and very much in keeping with the gradual warming pattern since the end of the last Ice Age."

-Wrong. You're forgetting about the rate of temp change again, John... No natural known process can change the average temperature of the Earth in that short amount of time

"There has been no warming for over 18 years. "

-Completely wrong. 2000-2010 was the hottest decade on record & 2014 was the hottest year on record;

I have a feeling it'll continue like this throughout Mr. Coleman's whole essay... So instead of wasting more time debunking his claims, I'll let one of the comments on the page speak for itself;

"Wow. You certainly have people convinced. It’s unfortunate that you don’t have any credentials to legitimize your pontifications. You are no more qualified to discuss global warming than a runway model is qualified to give a lecture on anatomy and physiology. You reported the weather, without even having a degree in meteorology, and that makes you an expert in what exactly? You have no expertise in weather, climate change, scientific study, data interpretation or really anything. Your financial success appears to have given you an overinflated sense of ego and importance. You are simply not qualified to lead, or even to make a meaningful contribution, to climate change discussion. I am a fan of a healthy dose of skepticism but you appear to have either your own agenda or are content with extreme ignorance. You mention carbon tax and the pitiful subsidies available for solar and wind initiatives as reasons for this bamboozling known as global warming yet you make no mention of the extreme investment that big corporations have in creating skepticism for global warming. The government still gives oil subsidies, which is a ridiculous and appalling fact but that isn’t mentioned in your blog. Scientists are manufacturing skewed data to justify their research dollars but big fossil fuel companies have no investment in continuing the status quo and nurturing our fossil fuel dependency? Really? Your position is seriously flawed and it is unfortunate that uneducated people or people who lack the scientific foundation to recognize your shortcomings, or people who lack critical thinking skills will all buy into your misguided interpretations of reality. There is absolutely no reason to not initiate changes in our energy platform except that the elite rich who benefit from our current state of fuel consumerism stand to lose. If you want to make contributions to the climate change discussion maybe you should go earn a legitimate degree and present some research that is meaningful and upholds the rigor of scientific process. Anyone can just run their mouth and sound informed and intelligent; it is irresponsible for you to do so especially without the benefit of any genuine expertise. Go home and please be quiet.

Thank you. We are in a democratic society and while I disagree with some of your absolute posts, you atleast read through it. Even if you still are blind and indoctrinated. You have a right to believe in global warming, global government, carbon taxes and everything else those entails. That is your right. Although you are wrong. That is a quality analysis post.

Although you saying spikes like the last 135 years have not happened, is an absolute statement that is not only false but contradicted by a graph you just cited.

In Europe middle ages it was much hotter than it is now. And as you clearly see it rose much higher from 1100-1200 than it has recently. Likewise from 1000AD to 1100 AD. There are also numerous rapid cool downs. But, anyways ive said all I am going to say.

Regardless of how I feel about you, Thank You for actually reading and using your brain instead of just spewing indoctrinated bull shit.

God bless you and peace the fuck out ;)
Notice how the media is playing up a few hundred rounds as an arsenal?

Reminds me of the time years ago, I was plink'n in the national forest in Cali and as I was walking out came across this dim wit broad who starts running and yelling "he's got an assault weapon".

Unfortunately, these events just generate all kinds of paranoia. Especially from the loons.

What I don't like is this "see something say something" ---- there's just too many fucking idiots that have no idea what they're looking at ... I think I'll walk out side and blast a few.
Neighbors saw suspicious activity in San Bernardino before the terrorist attack happened, but didn't want to notify the police about the Muslims in fear of sounding like bigots.
Notice how the media is playing up a few hundred rounds as an arsenal?

Reminds me of the time years ago, I was plink'n in the national forest in Cali and as I was walking out came across this dim wit broad who starts running and yelling "he's got an assault weapon".

Unfortunately, these events just generate all kinds of paranoia. Especially from the loons.

What I don't like is this "see something say something" ---- there's just too many fucking idiots that have no idea what they're looking at ... I think I'll walk out side and blast a few.

Yea, I've been seeing a lot of gun craziness lately. Thankfully only on tv. Not much around here in AZ, most people either have them or just keep quiet about it.

A buddy and I have recently started making magazine extensions for some of the carry guns, mostly 380 and 9mm. Every time we head out to the range someone always comes up and asks us about them, that and to gawk at our "arsenal" lol.

I agree, ever since the advent of Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and fucking selfie sticks, dumbshits have started to think it's their right and duty to rat people out and follow them around, filming. I'm glad for their sake and mine I haven't run into anyone like that around here.

Yea, dailycaller screams credibility and unbiased opinion. :wall:

By the way, your best buddies NASA released data showing the ice is INCREASING, not disappearing. One of the key "evidences" that has been used to support "Global Warming" Also, the average temperature in Europe was much higher in the dark ages than it is now. Those are facts M8.

Please provide documentation that NASA states, blankly, that ice is "INCREASING, not disappearing." -- Try not to refer to dailycaller, brietbart or Fox. I know it will be hard for you, as that's the bubble you live in, but do us all a favor and try.

You're my bitch. I own you. Go make me dessert, someone else has already made me a sandwich.
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Yea, dailycaller screams credibility and unbiased opinion. :wall:

Please provide documentation that NASA states, blankly, that ice is "INCREASING, not disappearing." -- Try not to refer to dailycaller, brietbart or Fox. I know it will be hard for you, as that's the bubble you live in, but do us all a favor and try.

You're my bitch. I own you. Go make me dessert, someone else has already made me a sandwich.
You're such an aggressive top... go easy on them.