San Bernardino

All I need to do is hit you in the right place son and that AK 47 would not do you any more good except as a funeral ornament.
Dude seriously i am sure that if you were coming out of a mall or what ever and all of a sudden you here people screaming and sounds of semi automatic weapon being fired your going to shit your pants and run for cover you be dead if you think your going to stop him with your hands unless it was timed on reloading just saying
I am talking average citizen now if your some trained mercenary with human kills behind you might be a different story Even then a mercenary knows when to take cover and live to fight another day
Go ahead and provide the data that correlates that horseshit argument

Here, how bout this one!

"When compiling the data for mass shootings under the last five presidents, clearly there’s a startling outlier under the Obama administration. The first African American president in US history just so happens to coincide at a time when there are more mass shootings than ever before in American history. What are the odds?"


Fucking idiot.

I am not sure you noticed but besides Obama being black he happens to be basically AGAINST THE 2ND AMENDMENT!!! Of course, if you disagree with that you are obviously a racist...

Dude seriously i am sure that if you were coming out of a mall or what ever and all of a sudden you here people screaming and sounds of semi automatic weapon being fired your going to shit your pants and run for cover you be dead if you think your going to stop him with your hands unless it was timed on reloading just saying
I am talking average citizen now if your some trained mercenary with human kills behind you might be a different story

Sorry, I meant hit you with a 9mm round from a concealed carry pistol.
I am not sure you noticed but besides Obama being black he happens to be basically AGAINST THE 2ND AMENDMENT!!! Of course, if you disagree with that you are obviously a racist...

Supporting gun control, like 3/4 of the NRA and 91% of the American people doesn't make someone "AGAINST THE 2ND AMENDMENT!!!!"

Comprehension failure. Like super hard. Context Not GOP I really expect you to be smarter but you surprise me with your inability to think and just take things at face value. My 10 year old nephew was able to get context about this at dinner. His dad said the same thing and he pipes up with "But that was once it happens soooo much here."
Not to mention the distinction between "mass shooting" and "terrorism". Paris was terrorism, Sandy Hook was a mass shooting, 9/11, terrorism, Aurora, mass shooting, Beirut bombing, terrorism, Columbine, mass shooting..

They don't get nuances though, so I wouldn't expect them to know the difference anyway..
When compiling the data for mass shootings (where four or more people have died as per FBI definition of mass murder) under the last five presidents, clearly there’s a startling outlier under the Obama administration. Largest push for gun control in American history just so happens to coincide at a time when there are more mass shootings than ever before in American history. What are the odds?

We’re talking a 700+% increase in mass shootings where four or more people are killed just since George Jr. was president…

- daily coin
Think you got the cause and effect a little backwards there chief. A rise in mass shootings, the common sense thing to do is restrict access to guns. Not flood the streets with guns:dunce:
Well I think some common stuff should be reviewed before people by a gun. I mean if they wont let you on the plane because you're too fucked up, you shouldn't have a gun. just sayin.
I have to disagree with the types of guns. It can be difficult to get your hands on automatic weapons, but most of my military friends (and my own experience) a simi auto is much more lethal in amateur hands then a full auto on small firearms. So the "style" of the gun is whatever. From bolt actions rifles of the snipers a few years ago, to tech 9s in gang members hands to hand guns and shotguns of school shooters. If it can put out a bullet people will shoot each other.
Well I think some common stuff should be reviewed before people by a gun. I mean if they wont let you on the plane because you're too fucked up, you shouldn't have a gun. just sayin.
I have to disagree with the types of guns. It can be difficult to get your hands on automatic weapons, but most of my military friends (and my own experience) a simi auto is much more lethal in amateur hands then a full auto on small firearms. So the "style" of the gun is whatever. From bolt actions rifles of the snipers a few years ago, to tech 9s in gang members hands to hand guns and shotguns of school shooters. If it can put out a bullet people will shoot each other.
I agree, semi auto weapons just as lethal if not more tactical then automatic weapons. But a 2 shot Derringer will take longer to kill lots of people than a 30+ round clip on a auto or semi auto. And not a lot of tact required to nust,spray and pray on a crowd.

Why do people need to have ridiculous ammo capacity?? The 2nd amendment was written at a time when you had a musket, let's see someone go on a shooting spree with a musket!
Not gonna happen.... I very seriously doubt the founding fathers ever foresaw a day when you could cause such destruction with such a small thing.
Supporting gun control, like 3/4 of the NRA and 91% of the American people doesn't make someone "AGAINST THE 2ND AMENDMENT!!!!"


Muslim shooters, I'll go with terrorism unless there is an Arab mafia in San Bernardino.

Nope, I'm going with "mentally ill".

Hey - Hey now, move along, nothing to see here, this whole situation was symptomatic of the bigger problem, "Climate Change". You can expect these manifestation to periodically appear as CO2 continues to rise, no cause for alarm.
Hey - Hey now, move along, nothing to see here, this whole situation was symptomatic of the bigger problem, "Climate Change". You can expect these manifestation to periodically appear as CO2 continues to rise, no cause for alarm.
I agree, semi auto weapons just as lethal if not more tactical then automatic weapons. But a 2 shot Derringer will take longer to kill lots of people than a 30+ round clip on a auto or semi auto. And not a lot of tact required to nust,spray and pray on a crowd.

Why do people need to have ridiculous ammo capacity?? The 2nd amendment was written at a time when you had a musket, let's see someone go on a shooting spree with a musket!
Not gonna happen.... I very seriously doubt the founding fathers ever foresaw a day when you could cause such destruction with such a small thing.

10 rounds in a fixed magazine of a semi automatic rifle is far from "ridiculous".

The second amendment was written at a time when civilians and soldiers were equally armed. Colonists owned muskets, swivel guns, cannons and merchant vessels armed with rows of canons.
And what a round it was.....

They knew about repeated rounds and there were two popular ways to do it. They knew enough to limit a round to one exit explosion as well.