• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, another good thing in this thread (perhaps). Thanks to White Widow Woman for turning me on to this place with the big bags of perlite for a most reasonable price. Just one question.....

Did anybody ever buy any of those big bags of perlite from Crop King (the $10.50 place). How much was shipping, and was everything alright with the order.

Okay, that was 3 questions....I fibbed.

Peace y'all


Well-Known Member
Nevermind about the shipping, I figured that out by just putting it in the cart and checking out. Unfortunately you had to register to do that, but I don't care anymore.

It is cheaper per bag (to me) to buy two bags -- makes $10 a piece + $26 shipping = $23 per bag and 65 lbs of perlite to my door. Which will be friggin fantastic for all my gardening needs come spring.

It is $20 per bag from most hydro stores I have stopped at across the country so this is a pretty good deal....Now if somebody could just verify that it meets some kind of minimum quality standard.....pretty please???

Thanks dudes and dudettes,



Well-Known Member
personally i like the bigger grade perlite the ones with pebbles that are nearly 1in sq....but size is only a prefrence imo...your perlite should work fine...imo as long as it doesn't have added nutes your golden......peace az


Well-Known Member
So are you saying the crop king perlite is fine or just expounding on perlite in general???

I like the larger perlite too, and that is what you get in the one brand of big bag, but I have no idea what this stuff from crop king is. I was trying to find out if anyone watching this thread had purchased it and what it was.

Caveat emptor as my peeps say!


Well-Known Member
i would imange cropking perlite to be the same as the horticultural green bags of the shit...i could be mistaken but at that size bags typiclly its the smaller grain stuff...but i havent used that particler supplier.....peace az


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever figure out a way to keep a hempy going for a week (or more) without being there to hand water it. It looks like my work schedule is going to scrap another grow. I have some ideas, but was looking for a simple passive method.


Anybody ever figure out a way to keep a hempy going for a week (or more) without being there to hand water it. It looks like my work schedule is going to scrap another grow. I have some ideas, but was looking for a simple passive method.

pot plants do not like sitting in a water saturated medium for a week unless it has some sort of way to get more air to the water... ie a bubble stone... the amount of DO (dissolved oxygen) in water greatly reduces to almost nill in just a few days time... a week and your suffocating the roots...

... if i were to need to leave my plants alone that long, and didn't have someone who could come water/feed them during the week, i'd setup a drip system... but thats just me =]


Well-Known Member
Just because it is late, my head hurts, and you seem knowledgeable....what exactly would YOU do for a drip system. I know what I am going to do, but would be interested in hearing some other ideas to save myself the possible "pain of refinement". Since my plants (seedlings by the way, so not heavy water users) are gonna be all alone for 5 days then after a few days back alone for another 7-10 days I need something robust, and since I need to have it all put together in my free time over the next two days I need it to be simple.

I had been thinking the past couple of hours on how to insert "wick" into my drainage holes and then set everything in a huge tub on bricks with enough water to keep them going for a few days, but not having any practical experience with the system combined with the heavy amount of billy-riggin' isn't pleasuring me.

I tried that "hey, why don't you water my plants for me" junk. Luckily my grow "partner" at that time isn't a punk and didn't rat me out when his grow was busted, but still caused me to lay low for a couple years...and still be a lot more cautious now.


water pump in big rez with an air stone going, dripper feed into each pot, do some tests and find how long it needs to run to fully water plants

if your pllants are just seedlings though, i like the wick idea better...

tiki torch wicks work well =]


Well-Known Member
i used to build irrigation lines for a couple years.....for this you'll need a proper size pump...a proper size rez...1/2in pvc..gromets an emiters ....as well as 1/4in poly tube...its an ez build an can be done for under a 100$ depending on your sitution.....peace az


Well-Known Member
I actually have all of the stuff for outside irrigation (to keep the 11 herbs and spices going when I am gone), I just need to figure out a way to pump it for just the short time. I think all I have left is 2gph emitters so I would need to turn the pump on for like between 3-5 minutes. It would be hard to dial the system in under my time constraints...but maybe.

You think putting a wick in the drain hole like I had described might actually work lumberjack? I forgot to mention too that since I ran out of perlite (why I was axing about cropking) I am running an experimental mix of about 4 parts coarse grade vermiculite (bad ass stuff) with 1 part dusty-ass schultz perlite and 1 part silica stone. I have had tremendous success with silica stone in netcups before so I thought....what the heck? The point of that being that both the vermiculite and silica stone retain moisture really well. In fact I went 3 days now without watering and will just have to do it today now me thinks. So I was really thinking the wick might work, but I just have never actually done it before.

I seen the wick cloner part of this thread and that's what actually got me thinking in that direction to begin with.

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
IMHO there is a simpler way I havent done it but have seen it done, find a rubbermaid big enough to hold all your buckets, if you are going to be gone for a while you want to fill the rubbermaidwith water to the point that it is a bit above your hole on the side so if you r hole is 1.5" from the bottom then have about 2.5-3" of water, throw an airstone in, the idea is the water will go in thru the hole in the bucket and will be wicked up by the perlite......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that along with the fact that it looks like the capillary action of a tiki wick is only effective over about 3" going uphill is a real buzzkill.

I had briefly considered using a hose wrapped around the container and attached to the drainage hole (that way as the water level fell in the bottom of the container it would refill with the water out of the hose and keep things copacetic for a least a short time. Until the hose clogs with perlite and/or vermiculite...I know.

Looks like I am going to have to go to the hydro store and get a ebb and flow timer and a small pump. I don't use that crap anymore....or I should say I didn't. I sold my e&f and an old light to some dude in northern CO that had a wicked plant growing under some crappy lights. I'm not even sure the "local" hydro store even carries this stuff. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
homedepot or lowes will carry the pumps an timers for much better $ then the hydro stores..if you onle need a few plants done a smaller pump would be fine....peace az
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