The shake hands and make up thread.

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More like shake fists, make noise thread ...
Well it started out good. It appears that the trolls found it and figured theyd wreck it cause theyre still holding grudges? I dunno, seems like theres a "gang" that likes to fuck shit up. And theyre all grown adults. Some asshat came on my thread and was rude as fuck starting shit with me and youre saying im shaking fists?? Really? Are you reading the thread or following the crowd of trolls?
I know ClaytonBigsby and you, sir, are no ClaytonBigsby.

Isn't this your shake hands and make up thread? :roll:
I have never said i was clayton. Were good friends. I actually told him yesterday you were missing him and kept asking about him. He said hed try to message you when he gets a minute which he doesnt have many of these days.

And if asshats would stop trolling the thread it would be nice. Nobodies taking this thread seriously.
Wtf is happening around here?
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Ya wanna know whats happening around here? I was friends with jess and a bunch of whiny adults didnt like her, shes gone so the mob of immature adults needs someone to annoy. So guilty by association has lead them to me. I used to enjoy the company of @Diabolical666 ,and @Unclebaldrick and guessing by how Bob Zmuda acts id guess hes pinworm. Anyway, ^^^ this side of all of you guys is embarrassing. Jess is gone so ya go troll her friends? Bring the mob, were all bored....sad. If i had a face book id unfriend both of ya :lol: but i dont so ill just say it to ya...UNFRIENDED. go find the next victim.

Oh and sunshine none of this was directed twards you. I still love you bad birdy. I just read your post while wading through the troll mobs river of sewage and figured id reply to it cause it made sence.
Ya wanna know whats happening around here? I was friends with jess and a bunch of whiny adults didnt like her, shes gone so the mob of immature adults needs someone to annoy. So guilty by association has lead them to me. I used to enjoy the company of @Diabolical666 ,and @Unclebaldrick and guessing by how Bob Zmuda acts id guess hes pinworm. Anyway, ^^^ this side of all of you guys is embarrassing. Jess is gone so ya go troll her friends? Bring the mob, were all bored....sad. If i had a face book id unfriend both of ya :lol: but i dont so ill just say it to ya...UNFRIENDED. go find the next victim.

Oh and sunshine none of this was directed twards you. I still love you bad birdy. I just read your post while wading through the troll mobs river of sewage and figured id reply to it cause it made sence.

Ya wanna know whats happening around here? I was friends with jess and a bunch of whiny adults didnt like her, shes gone so the mob of immature adults needs someone to annoy. So guilty by association has lead them to me. I used to enjoy the company of @Diabolical666 ,and @Unclebaldrick and guessing by how Bob Zmuda acts id guess hes pinworm. Anyway, ^^^ this side of all of you guys is embarrassing. Jess is gone so ya go troll her friends? Bring the mob, were all bored....sad. If i had a face book id unfriend both of ya :lol: but i dont so ill just say it to ya...UNFRIENDED. go find the next victim.

Oh and sunshine none of this was directed twards you. I still love you bad birdy. I just read your post while wading through the troll mobs river of sewage and figured id reply to it cause it made sence.
I know you see it this way but some people don't. I am not going to dissect the situation here in an open forum. I can only speak for myself but I have no problem with you nor am i doing what you suggest.

Somebody should start a "make up" thread.
Oh, I cannot PM the OP

Sorry if you think we are being harsh on her. like i said, i can only speak for myself. I ignored her forever and finally could take no more. I hope she never comes back but i think she will.

But I don't know why you are thinking what you are. By her own words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Tell her that is how i felt after she became mainliner's best friend right after he talked about raping my son.

Oh ..and yo knew exactly what pot you were going to stir by this dumb ass thread
Ya the pot that said chill the fuck out all of you guys. Nobody wants to read all that crap everyday. Its stupid. Grow up. Im sorry if that offended you but its the truth. You guys are all old. This is not how old people act. Theres plenty of people who dont want to read the drama. Im one.
Oh, I cannot PM the OP

Sorry if you think we are being harsh on her. like i said, i can only speak for myself. I ignored her forever and finally could take no more. I hope she never comes back but i think she will.

But I don't know why you are thinking what you are. By her own words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Tell her that is how i felt after she became mainliner's best friend right after he talked about raping my son.

Baldrick i gottcha man, i know, ive seen some of it but just like i did to dave its possible to let it go. Lifes easier when your not on an internet crusade.
Ya the pot that said chill the fuck out all of you guys. Nobody wants to read all that crap everyday. Its stupid. Grow up. Im sorry if that offended you but its the truth. You guys are all old. This is not how old people act. Theres plenty of people who dont want to read the drama. Im one.
yet you start a thread looking for more drama
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