The bottom one on the right,will take no problem and will not effect the plants growth.
If you want to avoid wilting just cut from the plant and put in some water with a bit of clone x stired in,take out next morning and put in a cube,But still dip in clone x or a root stim powder.
I have been useing aloe vera has the rooting compound lately and its been going really well same has seedling been feeding it to them once they sprout and also soaking them in water with aloe vera in for a few hours before i put in the clam method
Really heathy plant don't panic if it does wilt a tad it will bounce back vents closed for 24 hour then open them mist twice a day for a week then once a day for about 3/4 days after that just keep cube's moist not wet through.
But by cutting straight from the plant and putting in water with clone x or aloe vera in it,it should not wilt if it does just don't panic
If you look at the section i'm on about there is a slight bent in itthis is where i would make my 45 dg cut and then put this in cube right up to the growth.,cloning may take a tad longer if the temps are cold out side like the uk ,may take over 14 days but it will root just leave it .
Cut just below the two leafs just below the bend,this is ideal point for the cut ,then take of them two leafs these will be most likely where the new root growth will come from.
Don't take it too big,far more can go wrong till you get to grips with it,
hope this helps tyke,