Controlling through-the-roof medical costs

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
You're such a bullshitter, you probably don't even understand what I've been saying to you.
If you want to banter around bonafide financial investment approaches, I'm all ears. if you want to assume something you know nothing about, then don't bother responding.

Oregon Gardener

Well-Known Member
Yeah...get rid of government altogether, right? Let's go back to smoke covering towns...rivers that are orange with waste, dead fish covering beaches...

If fucking corporations did the right things to begin wouldn't need 'protectionism'...

But corporations think about profits first and second...and the hell with everything else...
HEY! In the U.S. corporations are people too. The Supreme court said so:(


Well-Known Member
Back off. What's there not to like, or you just in a bitchy mood?

I'm safe because I choose to be. I am financially secure because I made the right choices. I USE banks and credit unions for MY benefit. I don't pay for my bank's business or personal checking and savings accounts. They are a very convenient deposit for our monies and offer many nice services such as ATM's. We are members of two credit unions and a member of the best of the best financial services corps - USAA. I have in the past benefited from extremely low APR car loans or mortgages. We pay cash for our cars now.

I've never had better buying power in my life than I have now. Call that wisdom, luck...whatever.
LULZ @ Your love of corporate culture. Yeah i have USAA too. That doesnt change the federal reserve notes, and the lender of last resort power. You dont or cant understand it. I'm not the one to learn ya.


Well-Known Member
HEY! In the U.S. corporations are people too. The Supreme court said so:(
And the founding fathers are spinning in their graves ever since...

What they tried to protect with the constitution and bill of rights has been marginalized...

"We the people" has been effectively removed...thanks USSC!

Thanks for keeping "the people" covered... in shit


Well-Known Member
And the founding fathers are spinning in their graves ever since...

What they tried to protect with the constitution and bill of rights has been marginalized...

"We the people" has been effectively removed...thanks USSC!

Thanks for keeping "the people" covered... in shit
Fuck the "founding fathers". They're spinning in their graves at the fact that I'm not walking around in chains. Fuck them.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the "founding fathers". They're spinning in their graves at the fact that I'm not walking around in chains. Fuck them.
I hear you...

I was making a point about legal interpretation of the original laws, written by 18th century white guys...

"We the people" didn't mean everybody, it has spread somewhat further in the last 150 theory, if not always in reality.


Well-Known Member
I hear you...

I was making a point about legal interpretation of the original laws, written by 18th century white guys...

"We the people" didn't mean everybody, it has spread somewhat further in the last 150 theory, if not always in reality.
I knew what you meant. I wasn't blasting what you said at all. That was just my standard "mini rant" for when I see any mention of the "founding fathers". I should have been more clear.


Well-Known Member
The so called ACA...Affordable Care Act, is in the process of imploding.
It has not been able to contain health coverage costs, and it certainly failed to accomplish Obama's commitment to save every American family $2500 per year...
What a farce, fiasco, and joke...keep in mind that this misguided legislation garnered not one Republican vote...not even one...

Why Obamacare Will Fail
Political discussion aside, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will fail for business reasons. Whether the ultimate result is the law getting repealed or modified, change is necessary to have a viable and vibrant health insurance industry that drives cost reduction and improved customer service.


Now, I think that it is not outside of the realm of possibility that the ACA was conceived as a diabolical Trojan Horse, the predictable failure of which would lead the US to a single payer plan by default.
You and the CBO completely disagree. Besides the shit you pull from your ass and some random opinion articles, can you please provide evidence that you used to derive your conclusions. Much appreciated.


Just so we are on the same page as to whom the CBO are. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Feel free to explain it to me. I am genuinely interested.
Ok, let's say you've a debt of 100,000 that you're paying 2% interest per annum on.

You have 100,000 in cash sitting there.

If you can make a return of more than 2% per annum with that capital then using it to retire a loan will cost you more than the original interest payments wouldve cost you in the long run.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
That's a shame. I would have really loved the opportunity to spit in their collective faces.
I do hope you don't live in America. You don't deserve what the founding fathers fought for - freedom so sorry asses like you could post your insanity and anger at a site like RIU.

The founding fathers might love taking turns kicking your balls where your tonsils outta be, not that they would care about your juvenile attitude.


Well-Known Member
I do hope you don't live in America. You don't deserve what the founding fathers fought for - freedom so sorry asses like you could post your insanity and anger at a site like RIU.

The founding fathers might love taking turns kicking your balls where your tonsils outta be, not that they would care about your juvenile attitude.
Of course I live in America, and deserve has nothing to do with it. And I'm sure that your "founding fathers" would love to do to me everything that you've so eloquently described. Problem is, I'm not wearing chains. The black folk that they beat and raped were all in shackles, and that makes a difference. They were a bunch of pussies. You see, over time, I've developed this nasty little swinging back when swung upon. Something that people in chains weren't allowed to do.