What do you want for Christmas?


Haha! That's cool as shit!

One time I built a little "cloud chamber" for a science project. With a lot of imagination you could see ionized vapor trails from some energetic particles emitted by a little radium source. It wasn't quite as astounding as the LHC but I didn't have room for a 14 trillion electron volt proton collider in our house. Plus pops would've bitched about the electric bill. lol
All I want
Is you!
Whats even greater is while I work I Jam out to whatever I feel like listening to.. i turn pandora click on mariah boys 2 men usher barry wl etc and it as all the older stuff once a week atleast. Worst part is I dance and sing while working on autos... I CAN NOT DANCE OR SING for amything. Many people point laugh and stare.. most say fail but I enjoy it
What's your preferred intake of meth? I like to smoke it nice and slow, build my way up to a big tokw then bam 72 houra of house chores in one day.

i do not do uppers .........no meth no coke no speed ....image i get everything done i am still up for 20 hours i get bored and pick up a new hobby ( the next one i do is organic chemistry ending goal is a super soaker filled with LSD 25 ) i got the how too of the net just waiting until i am bored enough and decide life is no longer fun ......so soak everyone i can make more of me

u know the pill riddlen .....it actually puts me to sleep i have ADHD
to the rest of the world it is speed
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Lighting a menorah?

no that is my crazy friendly break
at some point the cops will taze me pepper spray me or shoot me .....the day i finally lose it i will make national news ( ppl already to tell them yep knew this was coming shocked he made it this long)

if i live tho it i will be committed to a mental ward for the rest of my natural life doped up on pharm drugs untill my organs start to fail from the amounts they give me ...but by then my brain will be complete mush from electro shock will have to tattoo my own name on my arm so i rem it
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I want to get my old lady a kitchenaid mixer. Me, I don't really care, and I like cookies, and she likes baking, win win.

A ps4 would be cool but I'm not sure how much I'd play it. Oh, there's some cool tools I've been seeing at the hardware store, so I kind of want a few new tools, a pack of aaa batteries and some egg nog. That's about it. Maybe a 100' roll of 1/2" tubing. New socks and a new spine.