***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

Sunday.........................another update and finally cut down the PP cup girl

001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG 005.JPG 006.JPG ..........got some slight bleaching from being under the center of the light, perfect ending IMO:roll:...........not the performance I was looking for, but can't bitch about a freebie, am I right???????????????ha

will scale it up in a week, maybe with the stem ON, lol..................kidding

had fun and it was a great comp to participate in again. Was honored to compete with some fantastic cup growers who just blew me away with their skills/genetics, amazing really:clap:

AND a big thanks to Socalrob for being a patient/lenient/fair host in a drama-free/no ban competition, wasn't frozen's fault last time either (can't help that shit on troll it up sometimes).

good luck to the rest left
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Blah,blah, blah. Blappity, blabbity, blab.
That smell is fresh like berries ripe for picking... Its slowly maturing into something I can appreciate, I'd guess another 2-3 weeks to get to that sweet spot where I'd like it... Chime in and tell me if you don't mind waiting on me!

I talked to @AlaskanMedMan and he said he's dropping out, his week long stint on the north slope (he does kitchen work in oil camps) turned into a 2-3 week round this time, I could post a pic for him (I've been watering his garden) but that's not something he was worried about, I don't see him placing this round with the pidly stick he grew anyway... He said he'll be back around the 2nd week of December and wants to at least vote
That smell is fresh like berries ripe for picking... Its slowly maturing into something I can appreciate, I'd guess another 2-3 weeks to get to that sweet spot where I'd like it... Chime in and tell me if you don't mind waiting on me!
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I talked to @AlaskanMedMan and he said he's dropping out, his week long stint on the north slope (he does kitchen work in oil camps) turned into a 2-3 week round this time, I could post a pic for him (I've been watering his garden) but that's not something he was worried about, I don't see him placing this round with the pidly stick he grew anyway... He said he'll be back around the 2nd week of December and wants to at least vote
Personally I'd hate to see you chop early, you got another great entry there.
Kill it Stan. Kill it before it's too late. Think of all the children! It's an UNHOLY AFFRONT TO THE GODS!

i am sure you know already but Giant Hogweed is one of the most.. hideous contact dermititis plants on the planet..
it is in NA now and it ain't pretty..only plant that scares me more is Phrago Mites
[useless ,invasive plant from hell]
sorry for off topic

cool prog rock vid..i had sideburns like that then too
@FrozenChozen @Socalrob

I am down with waiting...

Also, it was previously mentioned that each contestant create a pic montage for the voting thread. I am down with that.
How about a three pic (pic of plant, pic of cola, and a pic of the harvested buds) thread that includes the following data:

Method (soil, hydro, etc)
Germ date, Harvest date
Dried weight

That should keep it simple and concise for each voter to be able to go through quickly and see the relative data to make their voting choices.

What say y'all?
Update 13- That's What I Mean
Maaaan I was really ashamed to be taking these pix tonight :oops:. You folks are just killing it :clap:. I never fully comprehended that you could grow plants of that size in containers that small. I don't know how you peeps do it, I mean I know I ain't all that as a grower but fuck what do you guys feed those things. Live rats? Unicorn balls? Advanced Nutrino-nets? WTF? Well all I got to say to those who grew these monster fuckers within the rules is you are just awe inspiring. But back to my shame, so I was going over these photos when I realized if I finish, I may of done some of my best growing after the horrid start and further dumb decisions. This fucking plant was almost dead but all you guyz making me a wee bit jealous with your monster, mutant, freak show, ginormous ass, hydro-cephalic, left back three times, plants got me motivated and now this lady smells great, what's there is dense as shit, she's frosty and has hints of purple. Man she may not look like much but if she tastes great and gets me fucking stoned this Xmas I'll hold my head up high :). 7 grams and all!

Anyway I'm getting tired of all you fuckers and your whining and in-fighting :p, plus I'm running out of room in the tent. Watering this thing is a pain nowadays though she's not drinking daily anymore. When is she gonna finish? Actually the question is will I come in last in the weight dept but will this baby be so good that I won't effin' care :eyesmoke:?


i am sure you know already but Giant Hogweed is one of the most.. hideous contact dermititis plants on the planet..
it is in NA now and it ain't pretty..only plant that scares me more is Phrago Mites
[useless ,invasive plant from hell]
sorry for off topic

cool prog rock vid..i had sideburns like that then too

I only knew the song and I never knew it was a real plant until I heard it was in North America. Couldn't believe what it was capable of doing to a human :o. Nasty fucking thing. Where's the paraquat when you need it huh? And no, it's not for Phil Collins :p.
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Just finished reading through the entire 66 pages of this contest thus far. Awesome job to all the contestants and to SocalRob for leading it! This is my first time reading about the Party Cup Contest, so this may be obvious... but is there a time frame for contest #8 to start? I'd love to participate.

Thanks and good luck to all the current contestants!
Just finished reading through the entire 66 pages of this contest thus far. Awesome job to all the contestants and to SocalRob for leading it! This is my first time reading about the Party Cup Contest, so this may be obvious... but is there a time frame for contest #8 to start? I'd love to participate.

Thanks and good luck to all the current contestants!
Once this one finishes keep watching the LED section for the registration thread.