EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Could you enlighten me on how voluntary donations to a publicly traded company are bad while involuntary confiscation of thousands of dollars yearly is a good thing?

Why do you hate on rich people so much?

My point is that I dont want to pay more. I really dont like the fact that the government chooses to make the hill steeper to climb simply because you are successful.

Except that it doesn't. The hill is only steep in your small business end of the pool. Why? Because the entrenched leaders of industry don't like competition and they use their control of the tax code to screw you.

Make ten million dollars next year and then come crying to us about how badly the tax man is screwing you.
Except that it doesn't. The hill is only steep in your small business end of the pool. Why? Because the entrenched leaders of industry don't like competition and they use their control of the tax code to screw you.

Make ten million dollars next year and then come crying to us about how badly the tax man is screwing you.

You seem to be agreeing with me.

The tax code is fucked. Lets get rid of it for a flat tax and a constitutional amendment that prevents taxes from being higher on anything. Lower is ok but not higher. Oh wait, cause the rich will never go for it. And the politicians are all rich... LOL!!!

How are you gonna get justice again?
Could you enlighten me on how voluntary donations to a publicly traded company are bad while involuntary confiscation of thousands of dollars yearly is a good thing?

Why do you hate on rich people so much?

My point is that I dont want to pay more. I really dont like the fact that the government chooses to make the hill steeper to climb simply because you are successful.

you didn't build that.

The super rich pay a fraction of what they owe...they slanted the tax laws in their favor the last 35 years

So you denegrate me for only being middle class while attacking the super rich... You are not like hypocritical or anything... ROFLMAO!! You just want taxes lowered for your class whatever that is. How sophmoric ;]
Glass Stegall and overturning citizens united handles most of everyone complaints. I dont care if the rich get richer as long as the poor get richer too. Build everyone up. Instead we have Walmart paying its employees shit wages and those same employees are in the welfare system for around 6 billion. Meanwhile Walton family made more money then they know what to do with.
Companies moving corporate offices overseas to avoid paying taxes. Hiding billions of dollars over seas to not pay taxes.

Yeah all sounds real American.
We used to be country men.
Now were all just "tax payers".
Glass Stegall and overturning citizens united handles most of everyone complaints. I dont care if the rich get richer as long as the poor get richer too. Build everyone up. Instead we have Walmart paying its employees shit wages and those same employees are in the welfare system for around 6 billion. Meanwhile Walton family made more money then they know what to do with.
Companies moving corporate offices overseas to avoid paying taxes. Hiding billions of dollars over seas to not pay taxes.

Yeah all sounds real American.
We used to be country men.
Now were all just "tax payers".
It's almost entirely citizens united...

Take the legal bribes out and it'll be a much fairer game.
Another clear misrepresentation of my life and situation. Could you please take my word for what is going on IRL with me? It would help to have a sane conversation with you.

I never stated that Obama was ruining my business. I stated about 8 years ago that the government was going after success and I had a choice to make a lot of money and work really hard or make enough money and have more time for myself. And I stated that Obama was pushing me toward the latter.

Regardless of all the derision heaped upon me from all you great guys I built and sold a pool service company which is part of the big check I had to write to the government. They were so helpful while I was working hard to build it so they got a cut when I sold it. That was really nice of them eh? Oh, they also got a cut at ever other step along the way.

Listen carefully Padwan. The DEBT has grown every year for longer than I have been alive and we are close to 1/2 a century now. It doesnt matter which party was in office. The government has no accountability to you or the amount of spending they can do. It sucks the profit out of everything and makes it harder for wages to rise. It devalues the dollar and causes inflation by printing money. The government does not have your interests at heart anymore if it ever did. I am not saying the democrats, I am saying the government...

One side wants to blame the other and keep you looking in the wrong direction when the problem is ALL of them. You are the only person that can make your life better.

But you have never taken my word for it before, despite my concrete demonstrations of how it is possible. The good news is I didnt do it for you and when I am retired by 60 I will only have myself to thank for it, not the government for sure... Probably have to put in a few more years because of those bastards...

Regarding your pool service biz..that's what we feel too..keep in mind you are not 'them'..you are 'us'..which means you get the woody as an s-corp..you are the equivalent of single no deductions in the business world..c-corps are laughing at you all the way to the negative effective tax rate bank..you pick up their tab..they need you and have you firmly believing you are them.

Wake up, dude..your smarter than that.
Glass Stegall and overturning citizens united handles most of everyone complaints. I dont care if the rich get richer as long as the poor get richer too. Build everyone up. Instead we have Walmart paying its employees shit wages and those same employees are in the welfare system for around 6 billion. Meanwhile Walton family made more money then they know what to do with.
Companies moving corporate offices overseas to avoid paying taxes. Hiding billions of dollars over seas to not pay taxes.

Yeah all sounds real American.
We used to be country men.
Now were all just "tax payers".

And don't forget the biggest slap in the face..these companies are telling you..part of their HR solution..2 full time jobs (or 3 part time) and SNAP = new American Dream .
Regarding your pool service biz..that's what we feel too..keep in mind you are not 'them'..you are 'us'..which means you get the woody as an s-corp..you are the equivalent of single no deductions in the business world..c-corps are laughing at you all the way to the negative effective tax rate bank..you pick up their tab..they need you and have you firmly believing you are them.

Wake up, dude..your smarter than that.
Yet you don't pay anything...

Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.
You say they are legal tax evaders. Who wrote the laws that the rich use to legally escape the taxes? Why do you hate the people without the power?

You mean who bought them?

Why do you hate those citizens who do not have money? Why do you think people with money should get more than one vote per person?
Here is how I support it. The company is run on common and preferred stock. People buy this stock at their own voluntary choosing to make a profit off of the company. There is no coercion, people can buy stock or not buy stock. Because I happened to be successful the US government charged me over 13,000 dollars in taxes last year for the privilege of pursuing the American dream. I had no choice about the taxes.

Once again, this does not pertain to you..this is ccorp.

You: little dog who thinks he's big dog..
Yet you don't pay anything...

Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.

Yet when I was earning, I did pay and pay plenty..I've already paid forward my SS, also, been married greater than 10 years (which means ex-hubby is gonna get a BIG surprise soon enough from my taking his SS)..perks of being wifey #1:wink: and he's working on his 3rd pension, bless his little black heart..still paying into it for me.

God Bless America!
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I prefer to vote FOR someone or something, as opposed to a process of elimination. Sadly, it's a logical enough approach in American presidential politics- but I think that's because We the People have been fooled into allowing the monied elites to pick our candidates for us, while still calling the resulting sham 'democracy'.

Thinking more positively, I like Mr Sanders' policies and approaches to out country's problems because I believe they'll work. I think our country is fucked up right now because it only works for a thousandth of us- the ones who are already rich enough not to need so damned much help!
Yeah, only one out of a thousand are able to support ourselves. Amazing how everyone assumes they are the norm.