Donald Trump

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How dumb are you really ?? We as people are all "out from Africa". Deal with it

No we are not. Adam was a hairy white dude and Eve was a hot black chick, Noah fucked the bloodline when he mixed a cat with a man by naccident and Asians were created,...
God told Noah to put that sperm in that pussy, and when he looked away, Noah had other idea`s and said I`m putting my shit in that pussy and hid the sperm in the kitty. When God came back and said "Did you get that done?" Noah replied yes and God said, "How was it ?" That`s when Noah got confused.
Odd how you dismiss Obama's failure to fulfill the policies he campaigned on when he had complete control of both the House and the Senate, then try to blame that failure on Republicans. It's like you are lying to yourself.

Obama was focused on more important issues at the start of his term when Dems had control of both houses but he still was able to get his big ticket item passed, healthcare, sure it's not perfect but the alternative where folks lost their homes and life savings due to illness or double digit rise on premiums for shittier and shittier
medical coverage was crazy.

Gitmo's closing is vehemently opposed by the pukes the President cannot close Gitmo. Their answer is always more guns and bullets for DOD yet they give two shits about vets they deny more help for the vets, fucking hypocrites.

I said once and I'll say it again he has no choice but to act through executive action in response to inaction by a congess who is unwilling to act on their responsibilities...we have been dropping bombs in Syria for over a year and yet Congress skirts it's responsibilities and won't define the War Powers Act...they are content on this conflict be defined by a congressional act for a war started by a different administration and a different Congress (2003) WTF.

What about those policies?

Odd how you dismiss Obama's failure to fulfill the policies he campaigned on when he had complete control of both the House and the Senate, then try to blame that failure on Republicans. It's like you are lying to yourself.

The one disastrous forein policy that we all have to contend with that was started by the last administration was the invasion of Iraq, a decision that has cost trillions , brought us ISIS, thousands of lives lost on both sides, Gitmo.

What policy can compare to that fiasco?

I click on the donald trump thread and call i see is a bunch of people arguing about racism.

isn't it racist to only defend one race? can anyone other than "white" people be racist?

Who really believes racism is a big problem anymore?

Global warming causes racism anyways
you must be one of those idiots clinging to his guns and his bibles and his antipathy towardsothers who are not like you.

obama had you losers pegged years ago.
Trump panders to lowbrows. Mocking the disabled, misogynistic, anti-Hispanic. All things that make a beer belly toting lowbrow dance on his front porch sofa

People responding to him are simply fed up, and you can't blame them. The electorate sobers up before an election however.
Trump has an armor far superior to Teflon...this guy can just about say anything he wants to say...and loses very little support.
He can even make fun of a disabled NYTimes reporter....does not!

Something is happening in this is somewhat unprecedented politically...
Stay tuned!

Trump to speak twice in Sarasota because of overwhelming demand

SOLD OUT=> Lines Form FIVE BLOCKS LONG to See Donald Trump in Sarasota (Photos)
I've seen Donald mock people in the media like that before. In the same type of way. He doesn't discriminate between the many liberals who have a mental handicap, and the few with arm and brain motor skill problems.
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