Well-Known Member
I was really hoping someone would turn him on to some fade and a close razored goatee/burns.
No way. Crazy hair is required head covering for wild eyed revolutionaries.
I was really hoping someone would turn him on to some fade and a close razored goatee/burns.
I also agree. However, #5 is probably the most important as it would end men's suffrage in the porn industry.Would you say that the following is a true representation of Sanders' economic plan?
View attachment 3475386
You have this exactly backwards; if we DON'T elect Bernie Sanders and a full slate of politicians who will work to help enact his policy platform, we will look like the fools we are to the REST of the planet.
You want to know why America isn't respected in the world today? Look at the morons we elect to represent us!
Libtards wouldn't know a moron if one bit you in the ass. Sander's policies would be a disaster and folks like Putin would tear him a new asshole.
America isn't respected because of the likes of Obama.
Libtards wouldn't know a moron if one bit you in the ass. Sander's policies would be a disaster and folks like Putin would tear him a new asshole.
America isn't respected because of the likes of Obama.
The policies of the last 40 years are the cause of our ongoing, never-ending economic trainwreck. The right wing solution? More of the same!
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Therefore, the republican party is crazy.
The truth is of course much worse; folks like yourself refuse to do your own thinking so you're easily manipulated into being a shill for the corporate machine... a machine that will happily grind you and your progeny into dust for a dollar.
And then start another war for profit, using your children as cannon fodder while the children of those you voted to grant aristocracy reap the rewards. You call yourself old and wise. You got the old part right, but your vision of action vs consequences shows anything but 'wisdom'.
Recommend a college course, if you can get in, on Macro and Micro Economics.
Recommend a college course, if you can get in, on Macro and Micro Economics.
LMFAO! Are you SERIOUS?! Dude, I was the teacher's pet all through my concentration in econ, so why don't YOU tell ME where ANYTHING I've said contradicts settled economic theory, loudmouth?!
The policies of the last 40 years are the cause of our ongoing, never-ending economic trainwreck. The right wing solution? More of the same!
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Therefore, the republican party is crazy.
The truth is of course much worse; folks like yourself refuse to do your own thinking so you're easily manipulated into being a shill for the corporate machine... a machine that will happily grind you and your progeny into dust for a dollar.
And then start another war for profit, using your children as cannon fodder while the children of those you voted to grant aristocracy reap the rewards. You call yourself old and wise. You got the old part right, but your vision of action vs consequences shows anything but 'wisdom'.
Well, since most colleges have swung far left in their teachings, I can only imagine. You can't tell me some quack like Sanders understands economics!
So much bullshit in this post, it's hard to pick a place to start.
Do your own thinking? Throughout history, there have been few groups of useful idiots as manipulatable as the modern day liberal. The hive mentality that allows for no dissension of opinion is only dwarfed by the condescension the drones laughably exhibit.
Feh, no point in continuing. If you halfwits actually had an original idea, it would rattle around in your heads with no fear of ever running into another. We'll just keep laughing at your unbelievable ignorance while you congratulate yourselves ENDLESSLY for your collective brilliance. I wouldn't trust any of you to operate a potatoe gun.
Yes, in fact I can recommend several or you can take them online. There are even free options.
Bernie Sanders is not taking money from the billionares and multi national corp. or foreign countries like every one else so he's the only one not bought and paid for.
Can any of you so called conservatives tell me who you would vote for so I can find out who is funding them (the boss man). So I will know what agendas they will be pushing
I think we the American people need someone like Bernie Sanders to wean us off of our feeling of exceptionalism and superiorority and become a regular country that gets along with other countries and not forceing our crap on everyone and picking their leaders