The shake hands and make up thread.

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Would that mean you do?
well, I had a hand full of warts when I was kid, so probably.

How Common Is HPV?
About 20 million people in the U.S. are infected with HPV at any time, according to the CDC. And three-fourths of sexually active people between ages 15 and 49 have been infected at some point in their lives, according to estimates from the American Social Health Association.

You're more likely to get HPV if you:

  • Have sex at an early age
  • Have many sex partners
  • Have a sex partner who has had multiple partners
While many people think HPV is mostly a problem for teens or young adults, HPV can infect men and women of any age. In fact, the latest statistics from the CDC found that:

  • 19% of women ages 50 to 59 were infected with HPV virus
  • 27% of women ages 20 to 24 were infected with HPV virus
  • 45% of women ages 14 to 19 were infected with HPV virus
see, that's the thing Dave, It's the internet, I forgot all about that 10 seconds after you posted it. I could care less who does or doesn't like me on this box, In fact, I appreciate the fact that I can rile people with a little box with letters on it that I punch in. Keeps me laughing all day long. I never take it personally, My name isn't even Chuck,lol
While I am not here to make friends either, I am not here to rile others and when I get in those "contests" its more tedium than fun.
see, that's the thing Dave, It's the internet, I forgot all about that 10 seconds after you posted it. I could care less who does or doesn't like me on this box, In fact, I appreciate the fact that I can rile people with a little box with letters on it that I punch in. Keeps me laughing all day long. I never take it personally, My name isn't even Chuck,lol
Troll...sup dude getting into Trouble lately ;)
well, I had a hand full of warts when I was kid, so probably.

How Common Is HPV?
About 20 million people in the U.S. are infected with HPV at any time, according to the CDC. And three-fourths of sexually active people between ages 15 and 49 have been infected at some point in their lives, according to estimates from the American Social Health Association.

You're more likely to get HPV if you:

  • Have sex at an early age
  • Have many sex partners
  • Have a sex partner who has had multiple partners
While many people think HPV is mostly a problem for teens or young adults, HPV can infect men and women of any age. In fact, the latest statistics from the CDC found that:

  • 19% of women ages 50 to 59 were infected with HPV virus
  • 27% of women ages 20 to 24 were infected with HPV virus
  • 45% of women ages 14 to 19 were infected with HPV virus
Translation: You're all dirty sluts.
well, I had a hand full of warts when I was kid, so probably.

How Common Is HPV?
About 20 million people in the U.S. are infected with HPV at any time, according to the CDC. And three-fourths of sexually active people between ages 15 and 49 have been infected at some point in their lives, according to estimates from the American Social Health Association.

You're more likely to get HPV if you:

  • Have sex at an early age
  • Have many sex partners
  • Have a sex partner who has had multiple partners
While many people think HPV is mostly a problem for teens or young adults, HPV can infect men and women of any age. In fact, the latest statistics from the CDC found that:

  • 19% of women ages 50 to 59 were infected with HPV virus
  • 27% of women ages 20 to 24 were infected with HPV virus
  • 45% of women ages 14 to 19 were infected with HPV virus
Aww man, i defiantly have it then. (Looks for knife to cut off penis)
Aww man, i defiantly have it then. (Looks for knife to cut off penis)
it's like strains of weed, depends if you got the danks or not,lol

Of the 100 HPV types, about 60 types cause warts on areas such as the hands or feet. The other 40 or so types of HPV are sexually transmitted and are drawn to the body's mucous membranes, such as the moist layers around the anal and genital areas.
it's like strains of weed, depends if you got the danks or not,lol

Of the 100 HPV types, about 60 types cause warts on areas such as the hands or feet. The other 40 or so types of HPV are sexually transmitted and are drawn to the body's mucous membranes, such as the moist layers around the anal and genital areas.
You are quite learned in this subject.
sorry im lost.

whos shaking hands and making up ?

who wants to shake hands with all you infected fuckers
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