Cost of running HPS


Well-Known Member
So, I have grown various plants hydroponic ally in the past and I let my 400 watt HPS run 12 hours a day for one month. It added about $75 to my monthly electric bill. My question is, are there any ways to offset this other than stealing power (probably could pull it off but have ZERO desire to heighten my risk and possibly electrocute myself.


Well-Known Member
Unless your rate is super high right now, there's gotta be another reason for some of that $75-
or I'm sadly misinformed and best cancel my 2-600w order!


Well-Known Member
yea man DAMN thats some cash, i'm using my 400w 18 hours a day and haven't gotten the bill yet but...

now i'm scared


New Member
I thought those lights were expensive to run. Somebody on RIU said they have a bill that is like $700 / month.

If your power company is like mine you have one rate for morning, one for mid-morning, one for noon, one for midafternoon, one for late afternoon, early evening, when your in the shower, night time rate, etc.

Hell I never know how much I'm paying per KWH, I just know what they decide the monthly total is.

I want to get wind turbines and solar panels and tell the electric company to piss off.


Well-Known Member
yea. but when u think of it. your making so much more so it offsets it.......... but solar power is the way to go


Well-Known Member
I run a 400 watt MH for 18 hours. A humidifier does not have a watt rating for 12 hours. 2 60 W t-12's. A exhaust fan 12 hours that takes 135 watts. And two other oscillating fans totalling about 12 hours a day. My electrical bill went up by $15 dollars. Maybe it was an erroneous reading or maybe it is just the rates in the region you live in. A singlee 600 W fixture running 12 hours should just be pennies a day.


Well-Known Member
thanks for calming my fears calicat. i'm from norcal originally livin down south for the time being...

i really hope its less than 25 more a month