Marijuana Edibles Industry: Its Challenges & Future

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Absolutely. Haha sometimes that's what makes it fun. I really want to eat edibles but not really get any higher. Rather just sustain the buzz if it's comfortable. But pot doesn't work like alcohol so I'm not sure this result would fit in.
Had edibles but I like them in smaller doses. Getting absolutely blitzed is not my goal, it's reaching the therapeutic dose that often is more physical high rather than psych. Read me?
so you want more of a body high and not so much in the head? Have you tried using CBDs? I have an ACDC that is an incredible body high and pain relief, and that 1 part of THC can be felt just a touch.
so you want more of a body high and not so much in the head? Have you tried using CBDs? I have an ACDC that is an incredible body high and pain relief, and that 1 part of THC can be felt just a touch.
Yeah I have some of this strain but it's only a gram which probably won't get me far. I'd need to find 6-8 to make something worthwhile. Question: will I need to decarb it knowing that cbd is the desired active ingredient for this?