

Active Member
So many of RIU's members are remarkably intelligent and resourceful. I wonder, what do you guys do for livings? By some of the things I've seen in the Advanced forum, some of you should be Rocket Scientists.
As long as you excercise your brain in any form on a regular basis you are fine, but if you just veg in front of a TV stoned all your life and just working a job that you check your brain at the door on the way in you will end up appearing half way retarted or even worse.

It's got more to do with what else you do besides pot, than it has to do with pot itself.

My last official jobs were as a CNE/MCSE network engineer and private consultant, but I also enjoy just working with my hands such as construction, welding, masonry, mechanics, etc.

Was gonna ask the same question but searched the site first.

I currently work in a warehouse and have for almost 6 years now. Do all warehouses have a ton of drama?

Previously a land survey crew chief for almost 10 years.