The UK Growers Thread!

I know who the cunt is, I never forget anything like this, lol remember who writes like this when theyre very angry, I got him on ignore
well the clues are in the wording when hes really raging, then throws in some Jamaican patois and starts abusing sister mother yawn etc, weird when we just about accepted him too, but the geezer writes like thc 24/7 when hes let his guard down lol
What the fucks wrong with these wank? They come on here looking for clones but can't compose themselves for 5 mins to earn everyones respect...gets me tutus hard it does...why the Fuck brother dragging em selfish ass cunts through shit when all they end out doing is coughing up the excess shit all over the thread? I get busting balls n having a laugh (best way to sus someone out in my opinion )but these lads are kleenex lads ultra fucking sensitive. Even if this test offers u grade for clones don't do it lads think of his poor customers having to deal with that nonsensical jibberish...if u listen real closely u can here his virginity in the background screaming for attention.
I think alot of the regs on here have made it 2 easy for noobs to get em clones (I'm all up for sharing em but don't give a clone to a fucking liberty) use to take donkeys to get clones I wasn't offered till nearly after my first yr on here n gboy took donkeys aswell but we're the ones that stuck arround ...saying that makkas alright
ffs wots wrong with you guyz, can dish it but cant take it, wot and you think im only here for clones? don gin started this shit telling me to fuck off i aint getting any clones from anyone here? never asked 1 person and never would without getting to know someone first. fair enough, dont eccept me ill fuck off then but i was onlt trying to join in showing a few pics like yous do....
wots up you after some clones from him, tek your tongue out of his kiddyslipper lmao. now all you cunts fuck off, bigest bunch of nobs i ever come across, wanna bees laterz fuktards........
I'm tongues been nestled in ur mothers flappy kebabe but afters I'll be sure to wedge it right in there except dons never sent me clones he's just a well respected/established member that drops some sexy pics here m there not to mention he's a hand som devil
He's just a wank stain that didn't get shit his own way so he's gone full sissy keyboard warrior on us...bless. bet he's the kinda lad that if u did send cuts he'd sell em off for a fee bob or if something happened with his atmosphere he'd play it down to duds...funny how everyone else agrees the cuts are legit, so much so that breeders fucking use then in breeding lol