How are my plants looking? 6 weeks in


EDIT: I realised I posted this twice, by accident. Now can't find a way to delete it!

Hello all, first time grower. Looking for general opinions on my work so far...

Long version (skip for tl;dr)

6 week old White Diesel Haze Auto and a 5 week old Bulk Smash Auto.

Medium: Germinated in coco, both been transplanted once. Both still on hand-watering, however considering turning Autopot on soon. Mix is Coco/Perlite/Clay pebbles.

Nutes: Started on Formulex, now onto the GH trio, plus regen-a-root, and diamond nectar. Using plain PHd water every 2/3 waterings, depending on how I think the plants are doing.

The WDH has been through a lot of problems (some minor, such as nutrient burn, heat/light stress etc, but a couple of larger ones), but seems to have survived them all... first of all there was the classic overwatering, which I think then caused a brief spell of root rot (weird leaf symptoms and smell in grow room, soaking medium, small plant, then the fungus gnats arrived. This was around 3 weeks ago. Seems to have cleared up fine after some treatment. The lower leaves started to yellow, so I switched to the GH nutes which seemed to solve the problem.

Began LSTing the WDH, and a couple of days ago I got a bit too enthusiastic and snapped the main stem in half. Tied her up with some plant tie, and loosened off all the of LST to minimise the stress, and she seems to have been unaffected, which is odd considering the tear is down the Y and is at least an inch and a half deep! But good times.

Temps when lights on: 21-25 C. Humidity: 45-55RH. Temps lights off - 17-21 C.

Started both plants on a T5 flourescent, until about 2 weeks old, and then switched to 125w eco-light, blue, which I have been keeping around 3 inches from the top of the plants. They were on a 24 hour light schedule for the first 2 weeks, then switched to 20/4 when the CFL was introduced. I have an LED light to introduce just before flowering, but I wanted to maximise the amount of time under the CFL.

The BSA germinated a week later than the WDH, which is why the growth is delayed.

Growing in a 60x60x140 tent, 1 oscillating fan, 1 clip on fan, both plants in Autopots.

Also have a few questions:

When should I start LST training again on the WDH?
Why are the plants so short and bushy? Is that down to the small amount of LST? I assumed the WDH would be taller and more spindly, with less bushiness, looking more like the majority of sativa-dominant plants.
When would you recommend switching to LED/more flowering-orientated nutes?
Would you turn on the WDH's autopot now or wait a week or so? There are roots coming out the bottom (not a lot, but a small amount)

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


How do my plants look after 6 weeks of growing?

Any advice/constructive criticism is appreciated!

Thanks :)

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Well-Known Member
too much information man, you should have just asked for some tips and explained what you did to create these plants.
Im no professional by any stretch of the imagination, However I have indica plants at 4 weeks which are double the size if not more.
so i'm not sure whats going on but im pretty sure they are growing VERY slowly.


Well-Known Member
They need calcium, calcium aids in the uptake of nitrogen which turns them green and makes them grow. Add calmag suppliment or calcium from another source and they will green back up.


too much information man, you should have just asked for some tips and explained what you did to create these plants.
Im no professional by any stretch of the imagination, However I have indica plants at 4 weeks which are double the size if not more.
so i'm not sure whats going on but im pretty sure they are growing VERY slowly.
Sorry man, from reading up on previous posts by members, it seems more often than not people are asking for more detail/information, so I just supplied as much as I could! Thanks for the info and advice guys, I have been feeding them quite regularly but if you think they still look hungry maybe I'll up the dosage as I'm still on quarter strength nutes and was using a CalMag supplement at quarter strength as well. Might add some into a foliar spray as well

Any more tips/advice please feel free!


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, from reading up on previous posts by members, it seems more often than not people are asking for more detail/information, so I just supplied as much as I could! Thanks for the info and advice guys, I have been feeding them quite regularly but if you think they still look hungry maybe I'll up the dosage as I'm still on quarter strength nutes and was using a CalMag supplement at quarter strength as well. Might add some into a foliar spray as well

Any more tips/advice please feel free!
I'm very much a newbie too. But I don't think you can have to much information! Unless your telling us what hand you wipe your ass with lol.

How long have you been on 1/4 strength? From what I've read you were right to start on 1/4, try upping to 1/2 strength, see how they respond. How much water are you using each feed?


I'm very much a newbie too. But I don't think you can have to much information! Unless your telling us what hand you wipe your ass with lol.

How long have you been on 1/4 strength? From what I've read you were right to start on 1/4, try upping to 1/2 strength, see how they respond. How much water are you using each feed?
Haha! Been on 1/4 strength since the beginning of the grow, perhaps it's time to up the strength. In terms of watering, since my overwatering episode I think I've been erring more on the side of caution, I'll probably use no more than 1L of water on the bigger plant and maybe half that on the smaller plant. Not enough for run-off to come out the bottom, as the last time I did that it caused the knats!


Well-Known Member
Haha! Been on 1/4 strength since the beginning of the grow, perhaps it's time to up the strength. In terms of watering, since my overwatering episode I think I've been erring more on the side of caution, I'll probably use no more than 1L of water on the bigger plant and maybe half that on the smaller plant. Not enough for run-off to come out the bottom, as the last time I did that it caused the knats!
The reduced feeds at the start are to try to match the low EC within the plant. Raise your feeds to at least 3/4 strength.Feed then water twice with plain water. And hang Hot Shot pest strips near the grow for the gnats and other critters.


Well-Known Member
Haha! Been on 1/4 strength since the beginning of the grow, perhaps it's time to up the strength. In terms of watering, since my overwatering episode I think I've been erring more on the side of caution, I'll probably use no more than 1L of water on the bigger plant and maybe half that on the smaller plant. Not enough for run-off to come out the bottom, as the last time I did that it caused the knats!
From what I just read briefly, they should of been upped sooner. Its probably safe to say the issues you had is what's stunted them and with the nutes being at 1/4 and not being increased its not been enough for them to really explode growth wise. With them being Autos they are on a "timer" so any set backs really are set backs. If I were you I'd just up the dose and see how it responds. You still got 4,5 weeks left so theres time for progress!
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irish nugs

EDIT: I realised I posted this twice, by accident. Now can't find a way to delete it!

Hello all, first time grower. Looking for general opinions on my work so far...

Long version (skip for tl;dr)

6 week old White Diesel Haze Auto and a 5 week old Bulk Smash Auto.

Medium: Germinated in coco, both been transplanted once. Both still on hand-watering, however considering turning Autopot on soon. Mix is Coco/Perlite/Clay pebbles.

Nutes: Started on Formulex, now onto the GH trio, plus regen-a-root, and diamond nectar. Using plain PHd water every 2/3 waterings, depending on how I think the plants are doing.

The WDH has been through a lot of problems (some minor, such as nutrient burn, heat/light stress etc, but a couple of larger ones), but seems to have survived them all... first of all there was the classic overwatering, which I think then caused a brief spell of root rot (weird leaf symptoms and smell in grow room, soaking medium, small plant, then the fungus gnats arrived. This was around 3 weeks ago. Seems to have cleared up fine after some treatment. The lower leaves started to yellow, so I switched to the GH nutes which seemed to solve the problem.

Began LSTing the WDH, and a couple of days ago I got a bit too enthusiastic and snapped the main stem in half. Tied her up with some plant tie, and loosened off all the of LST to minimise the stress, and she seems to have been unaffected, which is odd considering the tear is down the Y and is at least an inch and a half deep! But good times.

Temps when lights on: 21-25 C. Humidity: 45-55RH. Temps lights off - 17-21 C.

Started both plants on a T5 flourescent, until about 2 weeks old, and then switched to 125w eco-light, blue, which I have been keeping around 3 inches from the top of the plants. They were on a 24 hour light schedule for the first 2 weeks, then switched to 20/4 when the CFL was introduced. I have an LED light to introduce just before flowering, but I wanted to maximise the amount of time under the CFL.

The BSA germinated a week later than the WDH, which is why the growth is delayed.

Growing in a 60x60x140 tent, 1 oscillating fan, 1 clip on fan, both plants in Autopots.

Also have a few questions:

When should I start LST training again on the WDH?
Why are the plants so short and bushy? Is that down to the small amount of LST? I assumed the WDH would be taller and more spindly, with less bushiness, looking more like the majority of sativa-dominant plants.
When would you recommend switching to LED/more flowering-orientated nutes?
Would you turn on the WDH's autopot now or wait a week or so? There are roots coming out the bottom (not a lot, but a small amount)

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


How do my plants look after 6 weeks of growing?

Any advice/constructive criticism is appreciated!

I'm only a new grower myself but looking at yours look lovely an bushy and green mine never got like that at all they well I think but I'm only a newb


Well-Known Member
You have a nutrient lockout. Salts have been building up in your medium for 6 weeks now because you don't water until a runoff You gave it away when you said that. I am 95% sure this is the problem. I suggest a flush as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Purple stems also give it away as well. Please please do not feed any more until you do this you will only be making it worse.