What to do while waiting on your plants to flower??

I don't believe anything led people say.... Youre all bunch of newbies who tell whoppers to try and justify your stupidity...

Hps is king
Now you show your face, we are not talking blurple joke lights here, us diy cree led guys don't tell lies we show pictures of whole grows y, RIU is king of cob light builders, and you just humiliated yourself
Now you show your face, we are not talking blurple joke lights here, us diy cree led guys don't tell lies we show pictures of whole grows y, RIU is king of cob light builders, and you just humiliated yourself


You guys are a joke...neon green butter and Christmas lights
I can't function properly without my edibles.. I have different recipes and different oils for all sorts of applications too! My favorite method by far for medicating is edibles because of the same reason you seem to dislike them. They last a much longer time!

Processing my trim and AVB (Already Vaped Bud) into butter, oil and tinctures takes up plenty of time between harvests!

Dosage control here is key, otherwise you will definitely dislike the "edible high"

I have 6 hour peanut butter cookies made with canna butter I typically make with trim..
these are used for a daily (functional) buzz for pain relief and anxiety

I have 5 hour coconut cookies made from coconut cannabis oil I make from trim / flower / AVB..
these are for depression and anxiety and provide an uplifting energetic mood boost

I have 8 hour fudge cubes made from a combination of my canna butter and canna oil..
these are for days off, enjoying movies ,video games and curing boredom! :weed:
I've had a 600mg coconut oil capsule of girl scout. It was insane! I was high for the whole day! But i still felt i was missing that head buzz. It felt more like a painkiller for me, wayyy to much body high. I feel the same way off edibles just not nearly as strong. You might like them
I've had a 600mg coconut oil capsule of girl scout. It was insane! I was high for the whole day! But i still felt i was missing that head buzz. It felt more like a painkiller for me, wayyy to much body high. I feel the same way off edibles just not nearly as strong. You might like them
I haven't tried capsules yet.. I'll have to buy a bag and make some up. 600mg sounds like quite a dose!
Any suggestions or tips?
I haven't tried capsules yet.. I'll have to buy a bag and make some up. 600mg sounds like quite a dose!
Any suggestions or tips?
I have never made anything with coconut oil yet, since i dont find much use for it as i work to fucking much. The pills were given to me for free at the time. Since i have a retarded tolerance i got to test them! He had 1000mg pills. Fuck that. The 600 was enough. Hell id rather take less then 600 if possible lol. The feeling is the same type as edibles but for some reason capsules take longer to kick in for me but when it does its a ton of bricks.
I have never made anything with coconut oil yet, since i dont find much use for it as i work to fucking much. The pills were given to me for free at the time. Since i have a retarded tolerance i got to test them! He had 1000mg pills. Fuck that. The 600 was enough. Hell id rather take less then 600 if possible lol. The feeling is the same type as edibles but for some reason capsules take longer to kick in for me but when it does its a ton of bricks.
I assume given its delivery that once your body processes the capsule it would hit you like a kick in the teeth.. no buffer for your system for a delayed release really.. in food or drink, it is slowly released during digestion, whereas w/ the capsule it's just the oil with nothing slowing / regulating the absorption through the stomach.. I think after hearing this, I'll make a batch of 250 mg caps.. that way the user can dial in the dosage if one isn't enough. One isn't good enough? Try two! :wink:

Dosage is my biggest problem.. every batch of oil or butter I use is first used in a small batch of edibles for "human testing" :twisted: (for lack of a better term) I've got a pretty good idea at this point how strong it's going to be by what I put in it, but it's what goes in that isn't as consistent as the process itself. For instance, I've made a 12 oz batch w/ 2 grams of bubble hash, 11.5 grams of already vaped bud, stems, and whatever loose unidentified leftovers happen to float 'round the house (all stored together) 1 oz fresh n frosty trim and 8 grams of Purple Sticky Punch. How the hell do you dose that??? With caution, that's how.

Just to clarify, I try them first.. dosing unsuspecting people w/ edibles of unknown strength is messed up. If something were to go "wrong" I want to be the one that takes the best nap ever. :sleep:
I HATE edibles...
i'm useless with them...
Although, for sleeping... there is a use for it there..
I just don't like the high.
I stay high for soooo damn long too..

Ah come on Grease. Nothing like being glued to a chair for hrs on end, friends walking up and sitting at the table and asking others (Night time on my back deck) sitting there if you and Danelle are "still alive".......get up the next mourning and your still blitzed till like 2-3 in the afternoon.........LOL

why am I praying the police don't come knocking at my door?,,,
If ya from the u-k, ya get me.This time of year is when the police tend to hit the grow scene with the Christmas growers.I was ref,to me its what i do while i am waiting for my plants to flower,at this time of year.Any one from my neck of the wood's will remember last years operation knock knock,bastard's.We pray every one does not get hit its the way shit is,i'm sure that a few from state side will remember what it was like before you was able to get permit's to grow a few,we can only hope that in the near future we will be able to grow without the risk of going to jail for growing medication,i am going down the cannatonic way my next grow,i not sure what a court would do with a strain like this,because for getting stoned it's not the best but has for medication i have tried oil from it and it is very good for both me and my wife,

It make's me laugh how many people all of a sudden think that they are going to grow at this time of year,don't get me wrong i do not blame them at all.It is far from cheap Christmas is even more so if you have young kids that want all the latest stuff,I do ok from it i help a couple of friend's out for a bit of bud plus the sugar leaf,it helps me a lot to be honest,and it also help's them get decent end product instead of the shit that fly's round the under done fluffy stuff.

So glad that i am out of the selling part of it can't be doing with it,Price's drop also at this time of year so not good new's for the grower's that are in it for the money
side of it.I have no problem with grower's that sell there stuff,i have friend's that do it.But the stuff they do is all ways done right,and the stuff has normally gone before its done.Price's are stupid at the minute,I gave a friend half oz for Christmas last year.London he said it is has much has 210/230 a oz..

London has all ways been known for every thing been over priced,but that per oz is madness.God only know's how much a decent grower is earning a year down there,he said the price is the same even if you are buying a lb,you will still hit 200 min per oz.
If ya from the u-k, ya get me.This time of year is when the police tend to hit the grow scene with the Christmas growers.I was ref,to me its what i do while i am waiting for my plants to flower,at this time of year.Any one from my neck of the wood's will remember last years operation knock knock,bastard's.We pray every one does not get hit its the way shit is,i'm sure that a few from state side will remember what it was like before you was able to get permit's to grow a few,we can only hope that in the near future we will be able to grow without the risk of going to jail for growing medication,i am going down the cannatonic way my next grow,i not sure what a court would do with a strain like this,because for getting stoned it's not the best but has for medication i have tried oil from it and it is very good for both me and my wife,

It make's me laugh how many people all of a sudden think that they are going to grow at this time of year,don't get me wrong i do not blame them at all.It is far from cheap Christmas is even more so if you have young kids that want all the latest stuff,I do ok from it i help a couple of friend's out for a bit of bud plus the sugar leaf,it helps me a lot to be honest,and it also help's them get decent end product instead of the shit that fly's round the under done fluffy stuff.

So glad that i am out of the selling part of it can't be doing with it,Price's drop also at this time of year so not good new's for the grower's that are in it for the money
side of it.I have no problem with grower's that sell there stuff,i have friend's that do it.But the stuff they do is all ways done right,and the stuff has normally gone before its done.Price's are stupid at the minute,I gave a friend half oz for Christmas last year.London he said it is has much has 210/230 a oz..

London has all ways been known for every thing been over priced,but that per oz is madness.God only know's how much a decent grower is earning a year down there,he said the price is the same even if you are buying a lb,you will still hit 200 min per oz.
ah ok,, sorry its like that where you live,, makes sense now,,
I guess those who live in one of the 4 legal states here in the USA are the lucky ones right now,, and everyone I know in Oregon is dong thier best to stay inside of the legal limits set forth by the legal law as its written,
I hope more of the world gets freedom to grow and enjoy
If ya from the u-k, ya get me.This time of year is when the police tend to hit the grow scene with the Christmas growers.I was ref,to me its what i do while i am waiting for my plants to flower,at this time of year.Any one from my neck of the wood's will remember last years operation knock knock,bastard's.We pray every one does not get hit its the way shit is,i'm sure that a few from state side will remember what it was like before you was able to get permit's to grow a few,we can only hope that in the near future we will be able to grow without the risk of going to jail for growing medication,i am going down the cannatonic way my next grow,i not sure what a court would do with a strain like this,because for getting stoned it's not the best but has for medication i have tried oil from it and it is very good for both me and my wife,

It make's me laugh how many people all of a sudden think that they are going to grow at this time of year,don't get me wrong i do not blame them at all.It is far from cheap Christmas is even more so if you have young kids that want all the latest stuff,I do ok from it i help a couple of friend's out for a bit of bud plus the sugar leaf,it helps me a lot to be honest,and it also help's them get decent end product instead of the shit that fly's round the under done fluffy stuff.

So glad that i am out of the selling part of it can't be doing with it,Price's drop also at this time of year so not good new's for the grower's that are in it for the money
side of it.I have no problem with grower's that sell there stuff,i have friend's that do it.But the stuff they do is all ways done right,and the stuff has normally gone before its done.Price's are stupid at the minute,I gave a friend half oz for Christmas last year.London he said it is has much has 210/230 a oz..

London has all ways been known for every thing been over priced,but that per oz is madness.God only know's how much a decent grower is earning a year down there,he said the price is the same even if you are buying a lb,you will still hit 200 min per oz.
That's why I started for medical, but point of the oz up north East it depends who you are buying from the grower or a few middle men.. But of the grower it goes for 160 per oz and cheaper if you buy in bulk lol, I don't sell nor waste every thing goes in butter or make esig bits for when out with the family.
But dealers In my eyes are rip offs I think everyone should have a tent to grow their vetables through winter and enuff bud for their selfs, chuck the cans bring in the budds lol
I do have lots of friends that grow nearly all the lads from my school do it but for the money, we do what we have to do for survival I understand I don't disrespect no one for it...
lol our estate is full growers and choppers specially for winter like past week we had frosty nights and the choppers been doing house to house sighting lol up and down refuel and same again every block so unlucky to the others but greed brings issues and I know that from experience.

Stick small and they won't smell you lmao
I am the same i don't sell a thing i do share oil with friends they share with us,i use ever single bit even the fan leaves stem's go into next summers compost for veg.

170 My neck of the wood's but,i never buy a thing i have plenty to last me,make sure i do just stopped all doctors medication and gone over to oil full stop,must admit i feel a ton better
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beautiful plants,, very nice scrog
beautiful plants,, very nice scrog
1 plant just grown it to be a monster,would be easy 7/8 ft if I had not lst /scrog it,be a lb plus though so should be ok for med's for next 2 month,got 4 jars of different strains to see me through also so all is good,had to put both lights on now because it's near filled the table 2 plants normally fill.
What was this thread about...

Oh ya, green butter. No thanks! I tossed my first pound of budder in the trash. It worked very well but there is no way I can eat something that tastes like lawn clippings.
I put fresh bubble in butter. It doesn't stink the house up and has a unique flavor that is much better. Im going to try bubble in coconut oil.
What was this thread about...

Oh ya, green butter. No thanks! I tossed my first pound of budder in the trash. It worked very well but there is no way I can eat something that tastes like lawn clippings.
I put fresh bubble in butter. It doesn't stink the house up and has a unique flavor that is much better. Im going to try bubble in coconut oil.
what do we do while we are waiting for our plants in flower was the title