When have I ever told anybody on here what to do? It's you who is belittling me on here and telling me how to live my life
All I'm doing is sharing my experiences as a patient in the MMPR.
You know what Johny, I appreciate where your coming from and where you are at it. I'm sure your a good guy and I respect you and your opinion.
I may NOT respect your choice though.
You see you buying from LP's and then pointing out your happiness is a direct slap in the face of those less fortunate than you...like me. If I couldn't grow my own meds I'd be in trouble and hurting from that decision. Many other are in the same boat. You know all that.
so if you come here slapping faces, your gonna get dropped in return. Sure your entitled to an opinion but if it's pro LP...well then the fights on. I don't drop to my knee's and blow any enemy of mine. Now or ever.
So when you come here promoting any type of LP agenda, your gonna get smacked down.
Can't you see you are partying with our enemy. So what you figure is gonna happen. Then's there the morons here who brag it up about my taxes buying their meds.
Would you be happy buying other meds. Anyway the assholes who said that are showing their true colors and that's just about perfect really.
Seriously are you surprised your raked over the coals.
There wasn't I nice.