MDMA (Molly / ecstasy) prices?

theyre @170mg duck from the reports..have fun!
watch..east coast will be flooded with pressies soon...

idk, but for me, i always liked pressed pills mo'better then molly.. the few times i've done molly, say i had probably 2 g's of it in the past few years, it seemed to be missing a bit of the magic the presses had back in the mid to late 90s.. am i alone with this?
i feel somewhat the same..ive gotten some good molly in the day,but none in the past ten years has had me like a good pressie from say,1999-2005era...moving as much as i did back then,i think i have a very good grasp on the quality of things as compared to now...there making a comeback and fast,only makes sense..anyone can make a powder in a capsuel..not many have a pilk press..big timers have got to be tired of feeling the monetary void molly has left in their operation,and its beyond apparant users are tired of getting r.c.s or bunked on the regular..and its fucking set in stone mother fuckers arent gonna quit selling bullshit/fake stuff..but,if i tested a red superman in brooklyn and they ruled,and go across the river the next weekend to a show in jersey,snd see the same pills,good chance(not %100 tho) they are gonna be the same..not so with capsules of "i wish and hope" powder..
molly is only popular for 2 reasons..mtv,and the laws that govern 20,000 pills vs a single big bag (a buisness partner got caught with a gram,he got a 1 hit charge,instead of 10 hits that it was..cause it was in one bag..)..
oh,and shitty rappers cant find any rhymes with..3-4methelynedioxymethamphetamine..but molly rhymes..if not,its trendy so there:-D
idk, but for me, i always liked pressed pills mo'better then molly.. the few times i've done molly, say i had probably 2 g's of it in the past few years, it seemed to be missing a bit of the magic the presses had back in the mid to late 90s.. am i alone with this?

I have no idea what exactly it is either but I feel ya.. Probably just the right mix of caffeine or whatever other stimulant seems to smooth out the edges of "pure" moon rocks. Dont seem to clench/grind the teeth as much, and even after rollin balls, with good molly I can eat and sleep at the end of the night. With good pills, whenever you would start feeling a need for a boost you could just crack another.. and forget about eating on a good pill lol..

Edit: Rory I was just about to type "the pills from the late 90s to mid 2000s" before I saw your post. The pills after 2005ish there were two distinct type.. a "good" tasting (meaning tasting like a proper bean), slightly larger/softer pill (that was usually very good) followed by a copycat 3-4 weeks later that would usually be slightly smaller and harder pressed but with the same "markings" (that would be equivalent to a cafeine pill or some RC). But even the really good pills after 2005 didn't have that happy dancing mix that the older ones did.
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I like me some powder...brown, white, clearish all good to me...had to many bad pills in my day (didnt test in my youth) so kinda puts me on edge when I get tabs of it...I've been payin 35 a g lately and believe it or not it had me going like i was 13 again...kinda did a 7 day run....thought i was done doing that...but when $35 grams are starring at you its a little difficult to keep it sealed
yea,thats how i ended up with no molly for firefly last year..200 a quarter? yes,ill have 2 please...SNORRRRRRRRRRFFFFTTTTT...:-)..
I have a strong distaste for brown samples because he should be a translucent white but I've seen analysis come in very high for samples that looked like crystallized coca cola. It doesn't take much to make a product look like shit. I've also seen analysis of black tar heroin that was over 90% pure.
ive had some good brown rocks also..looked like frozen light brown sugar..
potencey is their either color,but buying impurites isnt my "bag"..:-)
It bugs the fuck out of me. I have to recrystallize stuff like that for my own piece of mind. Often the color mostly sticks around which is why it probably wasn't washed out in the first place.
im in fl and right now i get grams for $40 but lets just say its cause i know a guy lol but average price around here is $60-$80 a gram
Just found a guy (Florida) for 80 a gram. The other guy I bought from was a little different ... Powder in caps... With caps was about same amount so I'll stick with new guy for now. Just curious how much you guys are dropping on your stuff? Per g or oz ... Whatever. Discuss?

If it's a powder then it's pure molly. If it's pressed into a pill then it's molly mixed with something else. It's been proven that Molly can't be pressed into a pill. Not unless you mix it with something else.