Well-Known Member
SadHe is a buck sucker nom nom nom nom
SadHe is a buck sucker nom nom nom nom
Teen life? I'm 45Boring teen life ??
No wonder your lost in life your to oldTeen life? I'm 45
ClownNo wonder your lost in life your to old
Sweet cheeksClown
Dumb clownSweet cheeks
Teen life? I'm 45
He is a buck follower he lives off the government and has to get free food and handouts just to feel like he is needs in such a cruel and harsh worl thru assistance. Great lifeYou don`t remember your teens ? I don`t believe that. Never any close calls but still scored ? You do know that all work and no play made Jack a dull boy ?
He is a buck follower he lives off the government and has to get free food and handouts just to feel like he is needs in such a cruel and harsh worl thru assistance. Great life
You again? LolHe is a buck follower he lives off the government and has to get free food and handouts just to feel like he is needs in such a cruel and harsh worl thru assistance. Great life
Ouch!He claims to be doing better than OK, so he must have a SNAP card with cash option.
He is a buck follower he lives off the government and has to get free food and handouts just to feel like he is needs in such a cruel and harsh worl thru assistance. Great life
He claims to be doing better than OK, so he must have a SNAP card with cash option.
If anybody knows the sound of butt, it's you
If anybody knows the sound of butt, it's you
You whiff up dirty boxers like a bloodhound
Nobody can sniff out man ass better than you can
Maybe you could get a job with the FBI to sniff out man ass odors, and help trace suspects
You would like to see me butt hurt, butt you are not capable,....that kat`s just sniffing ass.
Try`n to be black, that`s rich......You do know that only little dick white guys wannabe black.